Guidance for the Period – December 2012
Are you ready to slip smoothly into the New Age?
THE GATEWAY – At the end of an Era
At endings there are new beginnings and we have to learn how to let go, which is not easy sometimes because of the attachments we make. Through these attachments, we can remain connected strongly to something that has passed. When a close friend or loved one passes from this earth, the attachment can be very strong. We hear people say that even years after someone has passed, they still think of them every single day. That is how powerful the connections we make in this realm can be.
We make such a powerful impact upon the energy of our world and each other, that when we leave, there are still massive traces of us left in other people’s lives. That is the nature of our humanity.
We are about to leave behind an age that has unfolded over many thousands of years and a new door is opening. A new dawn is coming. Indeed, this is a great dawn compared to the darkness of human death and destruction that has marked certain parts of our recent history. Even the Maya, with their advanced thinking, vision and ability with astronomy and mathematics were exterminated by the greed of other humans and portrayed as barbarians as all signs of their culture were burned. It is good that we have this opportunity to leave behind this old paradigm of human consciousness. Learning to let go of the old ways of thinking and being will be a wrench, but like physical death, we have no choice. A time comes when we enter, not into the illusion of death, but truly into transition, although the nature of the some transitions means that we leave our loved ones behind.
On the 21st December 2012, the Consciousness of the Universe – call it God if you like – will begin to enter transition and from that point on, will radiate a Light into our lives that will be completely different to anything we have ever experienced before.
Will you be able to let go of enough of the old to allow the new to enter your consciousness? For sure, it will not be an instant process, but the transition will be offered to you on a second by second basis. Are you ready to slip smoothly into the deepening New Age?
As the GATEWAY approaches, what are we waiting for? The answer is everything and nothing. But what we will be offered is a similar transition to that of the caterpillar to butterfly.
This magical date is just a Gateway: like each and every other day is a gateway into a completely new vibrational state of reality. However, the day of the 21st December 2012 is a little special, in as much as our great astronomical and mathematical cousins the Maya and their Calendar of Time showed us how to work things out from studying the heavens. A great and fantastical feat in those ancient of days. Can anyone these days see so far ahead? Where is the sacred knowledge today? Where are the teachers?
What Does the GATEWAY Mean to Us?
On the one hand it can mean whatever you want it to mean, but on the other, it is a date where our immediate position in the space/time continuum moves into Galactic Alignment. Although there are many doom scenarios out there, the thing to consider is that when things come into alignment there tends to be less tension, which results in an ease of flow.
Think about a boat riding the rapids of a river. The thing that causes the raging rapids is the speed of the water bouncing over a shallow uneven river bed. As the river bed smoothes out, so the water flows smoothly, but still very fast. So, you could even look at this Gateway as like coming out of the rapids and into a smoother flow, but a very fast flow. You could be literally surfing along in this aligned clear water, moving very quickly and hardly notice, such will be the subtlety of the vibration.
Certainly, the Universe is going to accelerate again, as it did back in 1999, maybe even a little quicker. But during these past years, as we have been working on ourselves, our vibration has maintained a continued alignment to the changing vibration in the Universe. Therefore, we might just slip through this Gateway without feeling very much at all, for the simple reason, we have done the preparation work.
Even for those who maybe haven’t done the individual work, they have been bathed by the background shifts in the speed of Universal Consciousness, and as a result, will also be carried forward to some degree and also prepared to receive the incoming changing universal picture.
Seeking the Potential and Seeing the Future
What we are being offered is an image of potential, but we are also being opened at a deeper level so that we can connect more easily into the potential of where we want to see ourselves. We are entering a time where it will be easier than ever to manifest what we want our life to be. People dream of living in a utopian world. As we pass through The Gateway, that potential becomes more of a reality than ever before, but in order to attain that vision, humanity must go through some tremendous inner changes.
The collective consciousness of humanity is currently driven by fear and by what might be described as control issues. Without going into this here, what is needed, is for each individual to go through their own transformation in leaving fear behind and acting in accordance with the truth in the vibrations of the heart.
The core of the heart radiates nothing but pure golden light, which is the love of the Universe itself. It is the Light of what we call The God Consciousness. But this Light is hidden so deeply beneath the layers of what most people consider reality, that it takes a great deal of inner work to connect with your inner Light and then become one with it.
As we pass through The Gateway, it will become easier to find these deeply hidden aspects within yourselves. However, it will take time, but it will be easier than before because the illumination will be deeper.
The End of the World Scenario
When people speak about ‘The End of the World,’ they’re often thinking about the physical ending of our world in some mad cataclysm. What is really ending is a Time Frame, just like a day ends and a new day begins. However this time frame has encompassed the greatest development of humankind during its 25 – 26,000 year cycle. Look at the amazing advancement that humans have made in so many areas, but also look at the poverty, hunger, homelessness and futility of life for a great many people and the daily struggle for survival of many others. For sure, the way the present pattern of human consciousness runs its affairs, it’s not quite in alignment with a goal that would bring ease to all. There is much adjustment and healing to be done to the human psyche and when that happens, the human perception of truth will become sharper and the connection of the person with the truth in their own heart will become clearer..
So, as we move more towards alignment in the higher realms, this must, by definition filter down through the consciousness of humanity and begin to change minds and open hearts into seeing a potential outside of the present one, where alignment does not quite happen.
The Film that Changed World Consciousness
One morning, a few years ago, I was awoken early and instantly given the plot of a film. It was a fascinating story, mixing big business, stock market panic, giant corporations crumbling, newspaper and television people scrambling for the real truth of what was happening as the world of big business shook on the decisions of one man. The story is also about friendship and the deep trust of the intuition of a childhood friend and a business magnate who puts his whole life’s work into his friend’s gift of an idea. The magnate, had the courage to walk away from the money, the boardroom and the shareholders to invest in his friend’s idea. The result was something so perfect that the Light of God shone from it, into the hearts of everyone who looked upon it. It was a key that opened hearts. And everyone did look at it, every single day. They couldn’t avoid seeing it, it was so much part of their lives, and this image/device/thing/key, opened human hearts to the Light at their core and people began to experience God in their everyday lives. And suddenly, they couldn’t hide from the truth any longer, and they couldn’t hide from themselves any longer, and very quickly, the consciousness of humanity changed.
The really interesting part of the plot was that it was a real story. I already had the key for some years, but I was being shown how it could be used to massive effect, to change human consciousness, the whole of it. Just as in the film, you need one person with the key and another with the wherewithal to make it happen. The potential is here with us right now to change the consciousness of humanity, and I’m sure that God has sewn this same opportunity into earth many, many times, but was humanity ready? Well the answer is that without a little push, human consciousness will never be ready. Although, the Universe usually does push people when it is their time to awaken and change.
With this little key, opened, displayed, radiating its Light in the right place, change would come so very quickly and people would see the signs on a daily basis until the old world paradigm could no longer sustain itself against such a powerful vibrational change in the hearts of each individual.
As we enter this brave new world, the other side of our Gateway on the 21st December, the film may one day be a possibility. The people who were portrayed in the film plot are real, and they have the wherewithal to bring about the change needed. They just don’t have the key and maybe even the vision. And maybe they never even considered that such a key might exist, or how you would use such a thing. Whether it might be a step too far for them to try it, who knows. But that key is here now and if the Universe blows the wind in the right direction, then it could happen.
The film would be the first step, but you couldn’t manifest the film without putting the whole thing into practise, so that the key was lighting up people’s lives So, someday, the Universe might just cross the paths of a certain entrepreneur with a little guy who has a key and between them, they leave a legacy that changes the world.
Jesus and his teachings were a key, but people weren’t ready. It is easier to get rid of the key holder than answer a lot of questions that we need to ask ourselves as a species. There are many other keys with us at present, doing their work in a small but defining way as they open the hearts of the seekers of Light. And as people pass away from this earth, the keys, to some degree, pass away with them. Will the key I hold pass away with me? At some point, humanity will begin to see the true value of the things that it cannot presently understand, and at that time, people will take up the keys and use them.
What Do You Bring to the World?
At the deepest point within our hearts is the Golden Light of Forever. Each one of you carries the God-consciousness deeply within you. You are all Gods and Goddesses and within each of you is such a key of which I speak. You all have a key that will change someone’s life for the better. All you need is the courage to bring it out of you and use it.
How many excuses do you make to yourself for not shining your Light?
We all need a little courage from time to time. We need someone to stand us in that space that we are too afraid to stand in. But once we go beyond the fear and step into the courage and knock down that door that stands between us and shining our Light into the world, then you suddenly find that the Universe assists you. That God-consciousness that is running the show in the heavens, sees exactly what you are trying to do, and it helps you – directly. Direct Divine Intervention.
The Gateway into the New World Paradigm
You’ve heard me say it before and you’ll hear me say it again. If You Do Nothing, then Nothing Happens. This is an absolute Universal Law, which is the same as the common saying; The Lord Helps Those Who Help Themselves. The wisdom of common sayings is often overlooked because people don’t stop to think about them, but this common saying explains a Universal Law in a simple way.
In a few days time, we are all going to pass through this Gateway. It is an inevitability. There is no turning back, and guess what you will find on the other side of it?
You will find that nothing has changed, except that there is a sudden and greater potential for everything to change. Yet, if you can see deep enough in to the mind of God, you will see that everything has indeed changed, but that your attachment to the old ways, to the old thinking, to the old energy, will be holding you in that place of no change, which is fast receding into history. At the same time, the Light of the Universe will be offering you a different journey in moving forwards. It will be saying, ‘Here is the doorway of potential, beyond the gateway of the past. The doorway is open for you to walk through, to let go of the old and become a part of the new.’
The potential for change is in your hands. Do nothing and nothing will change.
Seek into the changing consciousness and the potential for change; probe it; embrace it, and you may be surprised how your thinking changes and then your life will change. Become the potential. Become the change.
Be the change that you want to see in the world.
Essence of the Period: GATEWAY
START DATE FROM 10th December 2012
Gateway is an Emerald Heart Light Essence. It is given for this amazing period as we pass through the portal or Gateway of the 21st December 2012, leaving behind an old world and stepping into the birth of a new world consciousness.
What this essence will do for you, is create a kind of emptiness within the core of your being, right at the core of your heart? Why would the Universe give us such and essence and why would it wish that we become empty in this place?
As we pass through this portal in time, the Gateway, many aspects of consciousness within the universe will begin to shift and move in unusual ways. If we think about the caterpillar spinning his cocoon and going to sleep for a while, this is when he goes into the empty space where transformation can take place. In the case of the caterpillar, the transformation is nothing short of magical, when the stunningly beautiful flying creature, the butterfly, emerges. If you explained this process to someone from another planet, they might not believe this was possible, that pulling the duvet over your head, and going to sleep for a while, would then bring about such a transformation that the creature totally becomes something else. The key phase, is the sleeping. The caterpillar enters the sleep phase, or empty space and then totally surrenders his life. In that place of emptiness or sleep, is where God does the work of transformation.
As you begin to take the essence, the empty space within the heart will grow and as a result of this growth of emptiness within the core of your being, attachments to the old world will begin to let go. It will help you to surrender to your divinity You will become more free of the old, fading world.
As the essence creates the emptiness within you, it also creates that space of potential. It creates that space, which allows God to enter and begin the work of transformation.
When we speak about God here, we are speaking about the new consciousness flowing into the core of your heart, which is the seed of potential. This seed of this new age is firmly planted at the very core of your being. This seed of new consciousness will grow within you, stimulating your heart and mind into being able to see and perceive differently, in a way that is in harmony with all the potential of the birthing of this new age. So, as you pass through the Gateway, the essence will be aligning you in a harmonious way with the new consciousness.
Of course, we have been within the birthing energies of this new age for many years already, but we are now entering an acceleration phase where our minds and desires will more easily manifest that which we truly wish to experience. We will become more a part of the Universal Consciousness as the acceleration tries to pull us to the centre of where all life is created, within the mind of God and within the nurturing heart of Mother Earth.
So, we offer you this essence of Gateway, for this fantastic period of Universal History, as we move gently, but swiftly from one age to another with this gift of emptiness that may be filled with the potential of a new dawn in all your lives.
With Love and Blessings,
Dave Ashworth
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