“I’m banking on your support,” were the last words of Rosa’s email. Hmm, I thought, I don’t really know Rosa or her colleague Louise and now I’ve committed to spend a weekend with them at Stockholm’s largest Mind Body Spirit fair, Harmoni Expo.
I knew the Fair was interesting from being a visitor in previous years … but now I will need to talk to people. Get the word out about the beautifully powerful Emerald Heart Light. How can I do it justice? Will people believe me? Will I feel awkward introducing such an amazing concept into their lives?
Let me tell you that it was the easiest and most enjoyable weekend I’ve had in a long time. The stand Rosa booked was probably in the best position in our hall, dead centre at the middle of a crossroads. Our banner visible from all directions for all to see. The Hall was open and airy. On one side, we had the Guest stage where the many guest appearances took place throughout the weekend. The other side of the hall was a giant Herman’s vegetarian Restaurant area, which was very popular with visitors and stallholders alike.
Surrounding us were stalls as varied as, purveyors of delicious Latvian Honey, the beautifully edited Inspire Magazine, the powerful Trance healer Blue feather, a lady organising Swimming with wild dolphin holidays, Anna selling wonderful hand made shawls from India, Sattva’s organic bread, pies and cakes … and many more.
The interest in the Emerald Heart was strong. Passers by would stop by our large roll up banner we had by our stand and stare at the image. A number of people would come back just to stand by the image of the Heart, saying they felt moved by it. Mini consultations were requested and performed by Rosa and ‘Ocean of Emotion’ books and Essences were sold. Many conversations were had with interested parties and leaflets and cards distributed throughout the exhibition.
The general message we received from people was .. “Why haven’t we heard about the Emerald Heart before.” So from now on I shall promote the Emerald Heart more, because as we discovered at the weekend…
People want the Light!
Thank you Rosa and Louise, oh and I am available for the next Exhibition if you need me : )
Ian Mills
The Emerald Heart BLOG
Hi Ian,
thanks for sharing your experiences. Got inspired by you!