The latest Guidance from David Ashworth has now reached you.
Are you having challenging times at present?
Well, you are not alone.
It may be that you are experiencing a lot of chaos recently. It could be that you are experiencing difficulties with affairs of the heart. It could be that you are experiencing difficulties with finances, or it could be that you are experiencing difficulties in many, many aspects of your life.
So, what is happening in the Universe at present and how does it affect us? Certainly, some people will not be affected as strongly as others, but those who’s vibration is very high, and near to the frequency of the cutting edge of time, who experience the changes in the universe more readily, may well be having a difficult ride right now. Even going as far as some dark night of the soul types of transformation.
Fusion and The Spark of Creation
Our essence this time brings us back to earth. It connects us deeply into the process of life. In fact, there will be two essences, one to follow the other in a few weeks time.
The Essence of Glastonbury Tor
The first of these essences was received from a sacred point on Glastonbury Tor, at sunrise on 27th July 2013. Glastonbury Tor is the most stunning, sacred and ancient landscape feature, towering over the town of Glastonbury.
I was awoken early. It was 5.00am and the fire was in my heart to move quickly. I was being encouraged urgently to get up and head for the summit of Glastonbury Tor. It was already light and I thought that I would miss the sunrise. There was no time to take the path, so I raced as fast as my heart and lungs would allow, directly up the steep side of the Tor. It was the most beautiful morning, the grass was soaked in overnight dew, and when I arrived at the top, the sun had not yet shown itself and so I was relieved that this early morning shock to my system had not been in vain.
On such a beautiful morning, I expected to see quite a few people on the Tor, as we were in the flush of a series of very fine summer days. However, there was only a young couple sitting on the edge of the hill and a man to the right, both gazing towards the growing glow in the east. Another man arrived shortly after, but moved on almost immediately.
I had taken with me a glass vial just in case I was offered a vibration for an essence, and placed it upon the sacred spot, where those rivers of light, the Michael and Mary lines meet in loving union.
The Michael and Mary Lines
The Michael and Mary lines are what are known as ley lines. They are energy pathways in the earth, like deep rivers of energy and light that feed the earth. They are like the meridians in our bodies that carry electrical current, which supports our organs, but in this case, they support the Earth.
The lines weave their magic as they flow across southern England from Lands End to the east coast, a force of creation feeding the landscape. They are like rivers of Light, flowing gently but powerfully through the landscape and blessing the earth with fertility and love. They pass through many, many places that have been held sacred for millennia, such as St. Michaels Mount off the coast of Cornwall and Avebury Henge. Ancient places of connection with the earth spirit and places of worship before the Christian Church came to these lands. Many churches are also erected directly on these lines and dedicated to St Michael or St. Mary. This shows that in olden times, people knew of, and could probably see, the energies.
On the eastern edge of Glastonbury Tor, these two streams of masculine and feminine energy and light come together in a dramatic demonstration of sexual union, the Mary Line opening herself into the shape of a cup or vessel and the Michael line forming himself into a serene probe, pulsing within her cup. This configuration of the Michael and Mary lines coming together on Glastonbury Tor was discovered by Hamish Miller and Paul Broadhurst and documented in their book, The Sun and The Serpent first published in 1989. Many years ago, I spent a great deal of time working with these earth energies and opening myself spiritually as a result.
On this beautiful morning. I stood in the old tower of St Michael’s Church on the Tor and waited for the glory of the sun to burst through. He duly peeped above a low blanket of cloud and the sky was filled with golden light. A stunningly beautiful display for the few pilgrims who had risen early to greet him. These words remind me of another book that I found influential in understanding things of a sacred and hidden nature, which was Jesus Christ SUN of God. This book deals with the detail of sacred number. I used it once on a mission to understand the doorway between worlds at Delphi, where I was sent on a mission to obtain a vibration from the Temple of Apollo, but that was another story. Sacred number deals with the mathematics of bringing heaven to earth, or seeing heaven within earth, and also within ourselves. An opening of the veil that enables you to witness the other side of perceived reality, or the Son behind the Sun, or the Light behind the Light.
Sometimes, I am given our essences directly by Spiritual Transmission from the Light of the Masculine Universe, and sometimes they come from the Earth Mother – both ways are from a Higher Source of consciousness than we possess as humans, but we do have the ability to connect with them for help and guidance with some practice.
The Essence The TOR
On this blessed morning, I enjoyed the fabulous spectacle of the light pouring into me as the sun rose. A couple more pilgrims came and went quickly, but we four stood our ground and bathed in the glory of the life-giving fire of the sun. Very soon, as the power poured forth and the light roared above us, the mists rose from the earth, swirling around the top of the Tor, blanking out the sun completely and turning this glorious morning into a cold, windy, swirling, damp experience. A young French girl arrived to photograph the sunrise, but was too late. The earth spirit was awakening and throwing off her night coat of dew, the rising heat of the sun creating movement through the temperature differences and the winds carried the watery veil upwards around the tower of old St. Michael’s church, as people took shelter against the sudden cold that ripped through us.
I retrieved my glass vial from the sacred spot and popped it in my pocket. I would wait to see did it hold a message for us at this time.
So, what does this essence bring for us today? This sacred ‘mating’ or ‘sexual union’ in the landscape. At such a significant physical point on the earth’s surface, it would not appear to be any coincidence. Glastonbury Tor has been a powerful spiritual place since time immemorial. Pilgrims come almost every day from all corners of the world and especially so in summer. Each will receive what they need at some level, but many will not even perceive it or make the connection that some higher force of consciousness has in some way brought some change to them.
Time for the Earth to Speak
A week or so after that sacred sunrise, I picked up the bottle to see if the consciousness wished to speak, or if the Earth Mother had nothing to say at this time. I wrote out a label and sure enough, the light poured forth into my hands and heart. What is within this bottle to help us? I could probably sit here and write for weeks in what is given in this essence, given at sunrise over Glastonbury Tor, buried in the heat of the union of the Earth Spirit, as Michael and Mary conjoin.
The Essence – INITIATION
The birth of life happens at the moment two opposite energies touch. The sperm and the egg in the animal kingdom or the electricity of the moment in the spiritual world. It is a moment where the power of the universe suddenly ignites and creates spirit within matter. There is a spark, a flash of light, and the game is on. No going back, life has begun. This is the nature of the essence INITIATION. It is the beginning. It is birth, or rebirth. It is the trigger for the next phase of your evolutionary journey.
The flash of light, in this case, was the moment the rays of sunrise poured through the bottle as it stood within the womb of the Mary Line, as she held the Michael Line within her. The sacred union in the creation chamber of life.
This is a powerful essence with many messages. In its rawest form, it is the power of sexual union between the male and female. It is love on the deepest of human levels. It is the blending of opposites. It is the purest love of the Earth Spirit. It offers the power to bond hearts in the light of The Mother – The Goddess.
Within this essence is a rumbling power. It creates within you, a kind of inner trembling, like a rumbling volcano getting ready to burst forth and spray its inner fire into the atmosphere in a cascade of shimmering orange fire. This essence is powerful. It may just turn a few things inside out. It may just rattle a few cages and awaken the contents within. It may just turn your life around by showing you things that you had not seen before, or were hiding from.
Within the power of this essence, lie many aspects. The first to reveal itself is the gentle love of the mother, the second is this great power of the Initiation of Life and of transformation. The third, and perhaps most important aspect for us at this time, is the Vessel of the Goddess, some would call the Holy Grail.
What is the Holy Grail? It is the creation chamber where life is initiated, the womb of woman. The most sacred place in all creation. It is the crucible where the fluids of the masculine and feminine come together to create life. It is the birthplace of the continuity of humanity. Upon Glastonbury Tor is the most perfect symbolic demonstration of the union of hearts as the feminine Mary Line opens herself to receive the love of the Masculine Michael current. The pair pulse, and ebb and flow with energy and light, in glorious union, illustrating the act of creation. The great fusion of the opposites of yin and yang in the process of creating new life.
The Birthing Process
Every day, the Universe offers us change and when we go through deep change, then it is a re-birth of consciousness within. There is great joy in rebirth, but also there is often struggle as old patterns are trying to let go and pass away.
In this essence, The surging light of sunrise pours down from Heaven and illuminates the lovers Mary and Michael. But the sun also illuminates and reveals their deeper truths in the process. They are the reflection of humanity and its struggles. They are the reflection of each human being and their individual struggles. They reflect all aspects of the joy and pain of birth and transformation.
In rebirth, Michael is stripped down to his core. His strength is taken. His ego-structures burned away. He is left broken upon the rocks of a vision of new life, but before he can take that new life, he must surrender everything to Mary. She holds open her loving cup for him to fill. Her holy grail. She holds out her arms for him, so that he can learn to feel the love in her heart, and learn to understand that she has waited for him for thousands of years. Waited for him to surrender his quest of dominance and find the softness within himself, that fully realises that it is impossible to find his truth without her.
This is indeed the time of the awakening of the Goddess energies, the Divine Feminine, and it is in the nature of the yang, out-pushing forces of the masculine to charge forward, often blindly, conquering all in its path, without ever being able to see or connect with the more delicate, receptive energies of the feminine within himself, or indeed within his opposite, his wife. But the feminine is awakening in man as well as woman. This is his great opportunity to let go of the blindness that has lead him for thousands of years, from the power of his yang ego.
The Offering from Glastonbury
So, what does this essence offer to us? The spirit of this essence was given from within the symbolic womb of the Earth Mother on Glastonbury Tor. The point at which the fluid energies fuse, one with the other in the act if creation. It is the receptive blessing of the feminine and it is the gentle pushing action of the masculine. The essence brings these opposites together to bless us with a loving energy that helps to awaken the opposites within ourselves, melting the stronger aspects of our individual natures of male or female.
There has been an imbalance for many years on the earth. The Divine ‘She’ has been submerged beneath the blind driving force of the masculine energy that has run amok upon our world. The Goddess is awakening in many men today, so that they can see and seek this divine opposite within themselves, which softens them and enables them to hear the more subtle messages of their lives. It helps the men to soften in the arms of their women, to surrender and just be, sharing their deeper feelings without fear.
Woman has been patient for thousands of years, waiting for man to wake up. She is gentle and loving and being receptive, she just waits patiently for this awakening in man, which is bound to happen at some point because he can’t go on forever riding rough shod over everything that he encounters in the world, on his blind mission to dominate everything. Of course, I am speaking about the deeper aspects of the driven psyche, that pushes us all into survival mode, and at the same time, lays the foundations for us to be the victims of our own psychological makeup.
The Male Aspect
If you are a man, allow this essence to calm your brow. Let go of the struggle within and surrender to the feminine with you and the females within your life. They are waiting to nurture and love you, but in order to truly feel the truth of this love, you must surrender totally to them.
If you are a man, then just surrender and observe woman. See how she loves the world into reality, nurtures the things that grow, for without woman and her nurturing love, there is only emptiness.
The Female Aspect
If you are a woman, this essence will help to open your love to a deeper level. It will ground you into the Earth Mother. She will nurture and fill your breasts with her milk of loving kindness. She will fill you with her love. This will help you awaken more into understanding your divinity and your place in the world. This essence will connect you with the core of who you are and your deeper purpose in the life of the Earth. It will ground your womb into the earth, holding your sacred creation chamber in her loving hands. Holding you safe and solid.
This essence will help you to connect into the ancient wisdom of who you really are. It will enable you to feel the power of creation that you hold within you. It will help you to feel your gentleness and loving kindness, in a world that seems to have little time for these qualities, and where they are often seen as weakness, rather than strength. It will help you feel the patience at a deep level, that has been given to you, whilst you have waited for man to awaken, honour you, and truly see your glory.
For both men and women, this essence connects you with the long game of humanity. It helps you to see a clearer path of what is possible, when man hears woman for the first time and surrenders into her ancient wisdom, the wisdom of creation, and when woman allows man to become vulnerable and share his feelings.
The Goddess energy is all about creation, birth and re-birth. She is the spiritual creator on Earth. The Light of this essence allows you to enter her creation chamber, her womb, her holy grail, where the fusion of opposites takes place, and initiates the power of the spark of creation, which in turn creates new life. Allow this essence to offer you re-birth within. Allow yourself to be nurtured and loved within the womb of the Divine Mother, the Earth and within the softness of the earthly woman.
If you are man and woman together in partnership, then hold each other in the light of this essence, and sit in a place that is sacred to you, and see can you feel the wisdom of the ages that speaks through both of you. Hold each other. Love each other, and fully realise that nobody will complete the journey of evolution without fully honouring, loving and understanding the opposites that are placed within them, which in turn, help you to understand and melt with the opposites all around you in life.
In the process of surrender, you will initiate a rebirth. Allow this essence of Initiation show you the way to re-birth.
And what of the Chaos of this Period?
If you have been experiencing the chaos and difficulties that Universal Forces have been creating, then you are in a rebirth process. Old patterns are being smashed within you, and all you can do is surrender to the process, and you will, at some point, come out the other side. But if you fight and struggle, then the process might go on longer than it needs to. Allow this essence to nurture you into surrender, and feel its feminine love flow through you, helping to carry you through the present trials and tribulations and into a new dawn, high upon a sacred place.
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… please share the Light in the message.
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