New Principal of the Emerald Heart School of Enlightenment, Tim Dyson, updates the Blog with the latest news regarding receiving the torch of leadership from David Ashworth and his views at becoming Principal of the School.
Embracing Change
Some of you will have read the article from Dave explaining that he has now handed the role of Principle of the Emerald Heart School of Enlightenment to myself. No doubt some will of felt saddened by this as Dave moves on in this way. You might also be wondering what this means for the School and for yourself and even if you should stay involved in whatever capacity you currently are.
I don’t know what changes it will mean for the School, but I do understand your concerns for I have my own attachment to Dave and my own questions around what is the Emerald Heart without Dave and this is what I came to.
“I am the Light and the Light is me.”
Dave needs to move on, to be unencumbered, to be free and I totally understand and respect this. It is a courageous Teacher that can let go of that which they have created, but then that is Dave. It is important to remember though, that Dave is the Original Channel of the Emerald Heart Light as well as the Founder of the Emerald Heart School of Enlightenment and he will always be both of these things. The School will always be imbued with Dave’s light and energy for Dave’s consciousness is reflected in the Emerald Heart Light just as the Emerald Heart Light is in large part a reflection of Dave’s consciousness. They are essentially one and the same thing as highlighted in Jesus’s teaching ‘I am the Light and the Light is me.’ We can see then that even though Dave will become less and less present in person regarding the day-to-day running and guiding of the School, he will never be entirely absent. It is also important to point out that Dave is still offering private consultations and will, I expect contribute Teachings from time to time.
Making the Light our own
It is rather different for the rest of us as we came to the Light after it had been brought down or channelled into the earth realm by Dave. For us, when we work with a Light over a long period there is a process that takes place through which we start to make that Light our own, in other words we start to become the Light and the Light starts to become us. Over time our deeper consciousness will align with the Light becoming more and more at one with it. This will be true for all of the Elders and active Practitioners to one degree or another, as well as for active students.
Another point to bear in mind is this, as more and more people are guided to the Emerald Heart through the various initiatives that we offer and the School grows in size, there is a good chance that they may never have heard of Dave. Like you were, they will be led to the Light looking for help with their particular problems and for effective ways to change and grow and will not have developed an attachment to Dave in the way that us the ‘old guard’ have.
Allowing the Light to guide
So where does that leave yourselves? Where does it leave me? Am I deserving of the role of Principle of the Emerald Heart School of Enlightenment and will I do a good job of it? Well none of us know how things will develop and for myself I can only try to maintain a position of humility and allow the Light to guide and work through me. I hope that we can continue this journey together.
I wish you all a joyous and peaceful New Year.
Love and Blessings,
Tim Dyson, Principle of the Emerald Heart School of Enlightenment
Beautifully put Tim. As you say, Dave will always be around because he is the Emerald Heart Light but I know that you have been given this role and challenge because this change is absolutely right for Dave, you and all of us working with this Light that Dave worked so tirelessly to bring us. I’m sure you will be the perfect guide for the Light and those working with it to take the next step forward. All is well. With love and blessings, Phil