Emerald heart Practitioner Jon Gauntlett, bares his soul and shares his life journey with the Blog.
Want to know more about Jon? … read on.
I first wrote this for my own blog and then Tim, the Principle of the Emerald Heart School, asked me to post it on the Emerald Heart blog too.
Some of you may know me but a lot of you probably wont. So I will start by telling you who I am, what I do and why I am writing this.
In a nutshell!
My name is Jon; I’m an Emerald Heart practitioner, geomancer, meditation teacher and card reader with over ten years experience. I’m also a partner in my wife’s crystal and suncatcher business.
I decided to write a blog to give you my view on spirituality, energy work, mysticism, the metaphysical and all areas related to the Divine. This is what the blog will focus on so if you’ve come for how to make a decent cup of tea this is not the place for you. Well, unless you want to hear about my encounter with a poltergeist over a cup of tea, which I will write about in a later post. Stay tuned as they say.
That’s it in a nutshell. Well it would be if I was writing it in a hazelnut size nutshell, but I’m going for a coco de mer size nutshell so there’s more. Oh and you can look up coco de mer as apparently it’s the worlds largest nut. Just make sure you do that after reading my blog first. Thank you.
Who am I?
I was born in 1966. I’m a Libran and a Fire Horse. I became interested in the mysteries of the Earth and the Universe at a young age, whilst living in Birmingham, England.
I loved books like ‘Lord of the Rings’, fell in love with the movie ‘Star Wars’, wanted to be Doctor Who & Johnny Rotten, had a crush on Suzi Quatro, played Dungeons & Dragons and had a great fascination with stone circles. I was brought up in a run of the mill Christian household, which involved church on Sunday but nothing too heavy. I also became involved with the other English religion called football and, for my crimes, became a Leeds United supporter at a very young age.
I started life as a nomad. Mainly due to my father being a career man and moving constantly for his promotions.
It was during the early nomadic years of my life that I was taken to see a stone circle and the energy and impact of it lodged itself somewhere within me. It is something that has stayed with me ever since and whenever I’m home in England I always take the opportunity to visit at least one stone circle. They fascinate me and so do the earth energies that run under them. I shall write about them later, including when the sky turned blood red above Stone Henge.
Merry Maidens, Cornwall, England
As a child I was quite open to my spiritual side, believed in God, the pagan Celtic mythology of the land I lived in, and had some powerful intuitive dreams. Some of the dreams were fantastic like flying with dragons and some were very scary including having a repetitive dream about witches in my ceiling. I’d like to tell you about them one day and their spiritual connotations.
At the age of twelve dad got another promotion and we moved to Worthing on the south coast of England. Moving to Worthing allowed me to explore Cissbury Ring and Chanctonbury Ring on a regular basis. Two prehistoric hill forts that are well worth investigating and dowsing for earth energies. There were also trips to Devils Dyke and the Longman of Wilmington.
Cissbury Ring, West Sussex,
If you have an interest in the ancient landscape of southern England these are all places you should visit.
At the age of fourteen my parents got divorced. Mum, my sister and myself moved back to Birmingham.
In my older teen years I started to shut down to my spirituality. Instead I gravitated towards the football terraces. It gave me an outlet for the anger and anguish that comes from parents separating. Half my football life was given to following my beloved Leeds United when they played any of the local teams in and around Birmingham. The other half was going with my Aston Villa supporting mates to watch their team. Either which way there was a flirtation with the football hooliganism of the early 1980’s. Which is nothing to be proud of but it’s important to be honest.
When you are a practitioner of any sort your clients need to trust you and to have trust you need to have honesty, including the mistakes and misdemeanours of youth. It is part of your human journey and your souls journey. It’s what makes you who you are.
I left school and moved back to Worthing where I acquired a little brother from my dad’s second marriage. I then moved on to Eastbourne where I went to college and formed some amazing lifelong friendships. During this time I had two frightening supernatural experiences. But I’ll tell you about them another time.
I emerged in my early 20’s as a punk rocker and anarchist trying determinedly to change the world for the better through whatever it took. I was forever looking outwards and never inwards in my desire for human and animal welfare. I denied the existence of God and most spirituality, although I did always feel a connection to the Celtic roots of England. That aspect of my spirituality never changed.
In the early 1990’s I moved to Australia with all my anarchist punk views. I got married to my first wife, but was separated by the mid 1990’s. I still wanted to change the world and I was still looking outwards and never inwards.
This changed in the late 90’s when my courageous father went through and died of cancer. He was 61. This was one of the saddest moments in my life and was a massive shock to the system. I left Australia and returned to England to help nurse him through the last few months of his life. A heart breaking time for all those involved.
This caused the start of a break down within me and led to overindulgence in drugs and alcohol. Ironically it was the start of my spiritual re-awakening, although I was not aware of this yet.
I ran away from the emotion and moved to Brisbane, Australia. I met and fell in love with Danielle who I eventually married. Over the next few years we lived and worked in Australia and England, did a lot of travelling and led a fairly hedonistic lifestyle. There is something to be said for life experience if you can learn from it and grow.
With the help of Danielle I broke my drug addiction. I was beginning to realise that to change the world on the outside you need to look inwards and change yourself on the inside.
To grow spirituality as a human being you have to face up to yourself. You have to be honest about all your faults and all your issues. You have to conquer your demons. Then your soul can grow and you can start to change. It’s not easy though. Confronting yourself is bloody hard work but you take the first step and then the next step and…
One of those steps for me came in 2004 when Danielle introduced me to my first teacher, Beverly, Earth Stone Mother Woman. It was the beginning of a shamanic journey. This amazing lady took me into deep meditative states. Through the soul journeying I went on I received much needed healing whilst the Universe opened me up to the beginnings of my Spiritual Journey.
It was my first knowing encounter with some of my Guides. I’m sure some had been there my whole life but this was the first time I had an understanding of them. They took me on some incredible journeys in to the Devic Realms and gave me much needed knowledge.
In 2005 we relocated to Adelaide. Danielle joined a meditation group, which was based around guided angelic meditations. At first I held back as at the time I still equated angels with Christianity. I was still rebelling against religion and I can be stubborn. Still I missed meditation and decided to give it a go. Danielle had also told me that the group had nothing to do with religion. I’m glad I went because it turned out to be another huge step in my spiritual journey.
Roxeen, the angel lady, ran the group. I became connected to my Angelic Guides and started to gain a deeper understanding of the Angelic Realm. My consciousness expanded and I learnt a lot. I was taught how to run meditation groups and became a meditation teacher. I practiced being an angel card reader as I discovered that I had the ability to read cards.
Running meditation groups was a huge learning curve with how spiritual energy works, both good and bad, light and dark. It was a good lesson in realising that we don’t know as much as we think we do and that we need to show humility and respect for the energetic process. What happened in Adelaide, while running meditation groups, is a whole story unto itself so I will save that for another time.
Roxeen recommended that I read a book called ‘Dancing with the Devil as you Channel in the Light’ by David Ashworth. So I did. It opened my eyes up and gave me a new perspective about energy work.
Towards the end of our time in Adelaide Danielle gave birth to our beautiful daughter. It was the most magical moment in my life to see that precious life form arrive in to the world. On the flip side Danielle may disagree about the moment, as it was a very difficult birth. Us men need to be honest and accept that we will never ever know what that feels like.
We returned to live in England in 2007. First in Spalding, with my mum, before getting our own place in Brighton. After my experiences in Adelaide I decided to give teaching meditation a miss. I was a little damaged in that area. However I did get a job, in Brighton, as the resident angel card reader in a shop. I found this very fulfilling and certainly had some interesting clients.
Then the Emerald Heart Light came along. Life changed again. At this point you may start to see a pattern emerge. Danielle contacted David Ashworth for an appointment. Danielle went first and I followed. That’s the pattern. I owe Danielle a lot for this with her leaps of faith. Like I said I can be stubborn and I like to put barriers up. It’s not just with the spiritual stuff either. I can huff and puff about a lot of things. I’m getting better at it though, having these leaps of faith.
I followed and had an appointment with Dave too. Well several actually. I stepped in to the Emerald Heart Light, which forced me to look closely at myself. A little way down the track I got an email inviting me to study to become an Emerald Heart practitioner. I knew I couldn’t turn the opportunity down. Thanks to my mum, who leant me the money, I jumped in feet first.
In 2009 I met my third teacher, spiritual visionary David Ashworth, at the Emerald Heart School of Enlightenment. I studied and qualified to become an Emerald Heart Practitioner. Stepping into this amazing Light has challenged me but in so doing has pushed my Spiritual Evolution to new levels. I have learnt more about the complexities of energy work and have also grown in my role as healer and teacher.
My own challenges and lessons certainly help me to work with my clients as they grow on their spiritual journeys. This growth never stops and I am constantly evolving on my journey. Experiencing moments of enlightenment and trying to learn from my mistakes.
This growth led me to my next teacher Sig Lonegren. This brought back in the shamanic side to my life. Sig is one of the world’s top dowsers and practitioners of geomancy. He builds amazing labyrinths too. Through his teaching I learnt how to dowse the earth energies and heal sick houses. I simply and safely learnt how to clear houses, and people, of all the nasty energetic stuff that can fly around. He also taught me how to draw labyrinths big and small. We often have fun as a family drawing them in the sand at the beach.
Ancient Labyrinth Carving, Cornwall, England
At the end of 2010 we decided to move back to Australia. Where we still live to this day on the Gold Coast. Not long after we got back my mum was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. This was the other saddest moment in my life. I never got to see my amazing beautiful mum again. For one reason or another I couldn’t get back to England before she passed away at the start of 2011. I will be forever grateful to my sister who nursed her through the last few months of her life. Many phone calls were made though and I was on the phone with her as she passed away. Mum was 83 and I still miss her.
There is a positive I can take from this though. I had an incredible experience just before I received the phone call from my sister letting me know mum was slipping away. I was in a deep meditation and I walked down the tunnel of light with my mum. I was only able to go so far but I watched the start of her crossing over. I wont go in to all the details here now but I am blessed to have had such an experience to see and feel this.
So here I am on the Gold Coast with Danielle and our daughter. My main focus energetically is the work that I do. I am an Emerald Heart practitioner with clients all around Australia. I also do house clearings for people as and when they need it.
I am learning that you have to be open to all possibilities. That sometimes you have to end things, no matter how passionate you are about them, and other times you have to start things, no matter how apprehensive you are. To stay on the cutting edge of spirituality and energy work you have to constantly be open to the ever-changing Universal energies. As Universal energy evolves you need to as well.
Which is probably why I have decided to start writing a blog. My guidance has been banging on the door for a long time to get me to do this and I’m finally taking the plunge. I hope you’ll come along for the ride.
Done and dusted.
Thank you for reading my first post. Now you know a little bit about me.
Back in the mists of time someone said, “We are not human beings on a spiritual journey. We are spiritual beings on a human journey.”
I do like that quote as I feel the journey is never ending. I am constantly evolving, as the Spiritual Path continues for a whole lifetime. Through the challenges I face and the lessons I learn I have gained much experience and understanding as to how spiritual energy works and how I can help others with their healing and journeys.
Clients come to me for various reasons on this path. Healing for their energy systems, guidance, spiritual evolution, a teacher, entity removal, balancing the energy in their homes to name but a few. Some clients are new to this spiritual journey, some are old hands at it and some are teachers in their own right but all get the help they need.
Oh and for the record, in case you were wandering? I still love stone circles and Star Wars. I don’t have a crush on Suzi Quatro anymore. I don’t want to be Johnny Rotten either. But I would still love to be Doctor Who. And I still support Leeds United. God bless ‘em.
Travel safe and be blessed,
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