And Darkness fell upon the face of the Earth,

And the blood of the innocents flowed.

All hearts that were aflame with the life,

Were torn and bled in pain.

In times of darkness there is an opposite. The opposite pushes darkness to act. Darkness is fear and the greatest fear is fear itself. Man, who is bereft of light can only be full of fear. As the fear grows, his mind becomes twisted and his actions become irrational. His soul begins to destroy itself from within and his heart of darkness withers and dies.

He loses any hope that he may ever have had, and in that loss, he is bereft of even a spark of light that he can touch, yet it is still within him.

Gospel of Light

Gospel means ‘good news.’ The good news is that the amount of light entering our world at this time has pushed the darkness of fear into a place where it is terrified of itself. In moments of madness and murder, the fear within has become terrible and uncontrollable.

All we can do is hold on to light. Life is eternal.

We are all coming back again. Each time we have the opportunity of being here, we have the opportunity to bring more light into ourselves. We have more opportunity to dissolve the darkness of fear within us. Each atom of fear that can be released from our consciousness is replaced by an atom of light.

And so it is, that we turn darkness into light, one atom at a time. There can be no vacuum or empty space within. There is only darkness or light.

Our journey is to leave this world with more light in our hearts and souls than we arrived with.

In that transformation, lies salvation.

In that salvation, lies success.

In that success, lies the gateway to better and better experiences of life for all of humanity.

For those who are suffering, we must hold out our light to comfort them, and trust that they will receive it.

With my Deepest Love and Blessings.


DARSHAN This Sunday 6th March 2022

Sunday DARSHAN will be transmitted at the following times:


7.00pm, 8.30pm and 10.00pm