As we all know, there is upheaval in the world. As always, when the incoming Light reaches a certain point, then the darkness will try to prevent the changes that are coming. I don’t need to spell it out as to where the darkness is rising, but there is something else we need to consider.
The Age of Truth
The age of Aquarius is the dawning of the Age of Truth. Those of us who have worked with the Emerald Heart Light for some time know how the Light reveals the truth. In fact, the Emerald Heart Light can be described as the Light that Reveals Truth, as that is what it does.
Light Reveals Darkness
As you work with the Emerald Heart Light it shows you who you are and guides you always to aspects of your life that may need assistance to change. It reflects to you how you fit into our world and how you can rise up to being an ever-developing best version of yourself. The Light goes ever deeper to help you. When you have worked with it for some time it will then begin to reveal energies from past lives that are ready to dissolve and free you also. The Light is here to help us. The choice to use it is ours.
Truth in our Time
Perhaps one of the most important things that is rising at this moment in time around truth is the fact that the poor Russian people are mostly ignorant of the truth as the ruling regime has fed them nothing but lies for decades. When they hear of something that the west has offered up as truth, they don’t believe it because it doesn’t tally with their own news.
The Freeing of Souls Kept in Darkness
Most people throughout the world are good souls. They will help anyone if they can. It is a natural part of being human that we feel compassion for the difficulties of others and we reach out to them in whatever way we can. We all need just the simple things in life, like food and warmth, and because we are fundamentally creators, we also like to have something to do that is creative.
Upsetting the Applecart
We are in a massive process where fear comes to the surface of whole continents. Even in this day and age, there are masses of souls kept in captivity by their rulers, who are focused on controlling their people through fear. But the fear is in the governments. It is the politicians that are fearful and so take action to protect themselves from unseen dangers that they have manufactured in their own minds. They live in illusions.
The Light of our changing and developing Universe will overturn the applecart. Sooner or later, all repressive aspects of humanity will cease to exist, as that is the way of evolution. Ultimately, Light opens the hearts of all people, and then they will feel the truth of all that surrounds them.
Trusting Your Own Heart
Injustice where it occurs, upsets the compassionate person but when you can step back and see the bigger picture, you can pull yourself out of the emotions that fill you with uncomfortable energies. Trusting your own heart will support you in countless ways. Learning to trust your own truth is also a huge step for many people who do, indeed, doubt themselves.
Finding Peace, Strength and Courage in Your Heart
In a changing world, we need the inner support of peace, strength and courage.
At this time, the Emerald Heart Light is offering us a number of things to help us find peace in our hearts and in our lives. All Practitioners offer you a number of Light Programs that support you in immeasurable ways and you can find details on the websites of your Practitioner.
Darshan this Sunday
It will be our regular Darshan Light Transmission this Sunday and you can register in this mailer.
With my Deepest Love and Blessings,
David Ashworth.
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