Can you believe it’s been three years since our first Earth Healing Event? Happy Third Anniversary to Circle of Light.

I hope this finds you well. I also hope you enjoyed Our Spring/Autumn Equinox Earth Healing. I love to see all the little green hearts on our interactive globe, symbolising us giving something back to Earth Mother.

Spring Arrives in the North

The arrival of Spring has brought some sunny weather here in most parts of the UK. There is an exciting vibe in the air after the darkness of winter. It’s lovely to feel the increasing warmth of the sun and the days becoming longer and brighter. Watching the land transforming and the tiny spring flowers are popping up, and a mass of buttercups and daisies in the grass. Then there are the sounds of Spring, the birds chirping their spring songs, bringing such joy. All the seasons are beautiful, but Spring is simply breathtaking.

As we know, Mother’s Spring Season ushers in new beginnings and rebirth, moving us from the deep darkness of winter into the light once again. Each day the Sun’s growing strength supports Earth Mother to birth Her new cycle. Moving from darkness into Light reflects on every part of our lives, the transition awakens us from the restful winter season, and it takes time to adjust. Everything Mother experiences we also experience at some level. As the Spring energies become more active and new life comes forth, we are going through our own rebirth. We can experience Her changes more when we tune in to Her. The changes are sensed through our emotions, our thoughts, in our physical bodies and our energy bodies too.

Inner Changes

Have you been feeling the Spring/Autumn energies stirring within you? Do you feel things coming up for reflection as the Autumn energies unfold? Do you feel inspired to create and nurture new ideas that you have been planning over the winter months? We have entered a fertile period now perfect for taking steps forwards.

As we transition through The Wheel of The Year, we are not always aware how much Mother’s cycles affect our lives. For example – as our Earth Healing approaches, I begin to feel a heightened sensitivity to Earth energies and changes. It can come as an emotion or feeling in my body, or it can come up in my thoughts or a combination of a few of these. I have realised when this is happening, my system needs time to integrate and flow with the unfolding energies and Light. I’m learning to allow things to settle gently.

Recognising Spring Energy

I woke on March 1st feeling a surge of energy inside; it felt uplifting, vibrant; I remember thinking, ‘this is the feeling of Spring. I felt more motivated and energised than I had for some months. I opened my curtains to be greeted by the Sun shining brightly in my window from the beautiful blue sky, and I felt an urgency to get outside on the land. I felt something was drawing my attention to what I was feeling, helping me recognise how Earth Mother subtly communicates.

Autumn Arrives in the South

In contrast, in the Southern Hemisphere, summer is over for another year – and you have transitioned into Mother’s Autumn Cycle (Mabon) a time for slowing down and harvesting all Mother has provided. The rich warm colours of golds, yellows, and bronzes are soothing as the leaves of the trees fall leaving a protective layer on the earth. Natures energy is retreating to prepare for winter and the time of rest. Autumn also offers opportunity for reflection and observance, celebration and Thanksgiving. At this period on The Wheel of The Year, we have the opportunity to observe a full life cycle – from the rebirth of spring, the fullness of summer and the withdrawal in autumn leading into winter where all seems lifeless and dark, but within the darkness life is always transforming and rebirthing, and thus the cycle is always life-giving.

It would be lovely to hear from Circle of Light members in the Southern Hemisphere about your Autumn Equinox experience as your weather and seasons are quite different from the northern hemisphere.

Earth Mother is always calling us to improve our connection with her, I felt to share this simple yet powerful prayer from the Native American tradition that offers simple steps to guide us into a deeper connection with Her. I hope you find it useful.

Earth teach me stillness as the grasses are stilled with light.

Earth teach me suffering as old stones suffer with memory.

Earth teach me humility as blossoms are humble with beginning.

Earth teach me caring as the mother who secures her young.

Earth teach me courage as the tree which stands all alone.

Earth teach me limitation as the ant which crawls on the ground.

Earth teach me freedom as the eagle which soars in the sky.

Earth teach me resignation as the leaves which die in the fall.

Earth teach me regeneration as the seed which rises in the spring.

Earth teach me to forget myself as melted snow forgets its life.

Earth teach me to remember kindness as dry fields weep with rain.

First Nations – Ute prayer

