Welcome to the Evolutionary Alignment Program. I hope that you are already feeling the effects as the Light works on your energy system to bring you into the alignments with all that is happening on and around our planet.

Don’t forget your Gift of the Emerald Heart Essence

In your confirmation email there are instructions on how to receive the Transmission of the vibration of the Emerald Heart Light Essence. Don’t forget to prepare a bottle to receive this. Below I have included a link to a short video in how to prepare your bottle.


Already I have received feedback that people are feeling the effects. One person was guided to take the program and it actually started in that moment, several days before the official beginning. Sometimes Universal Consciousness just can’t wait to get started in helping us.

Teaching of the Day!
Divine Consciousness

We can look at Universal Consciousness in many different ways, but the easier we keep the imagery, the better it is. The Universe is constantly trying to help us make a huge success of our lives. It works with us constantly in this respect, offering guidance through our feelings to help us know when we are on the right path or if we are heading in the wrong direction in terms of our Divine Purpose.

You should view Universal Consciousness as your very best friend, who is full of light and wisdom and is constantly offering you help to find your way.

Your Heart’s Desire

When the Universe offers me a Light Program to help humanity, I hold out that light and wait to see who sees or feels it. That’s all I can do. It’s like putting something in your shop window so that the passers by can see it and feel if it would help them. Basically, to feel if their heart desires it.

This Evolutionary Alignment Program was given to me in March, when working with my Emerald Heart Light Colleagues, Harriet and Alexandra, but it takes a few weeks to put the process together, for it to be birthed, so to speak. There is a kind of timing of a birth and things must flow perfectly before the product can be brought successfully into the world. Once the light has completed the process then we can launch it. The Light Program is then here in this world forever as a tool to help anyone who desires it.

We put the Light Program into the shopping cart and the Universe then honours anyone who chooses to align with it.

Bridging the Two Worlds

I hadn’t intended this to be a teaching this morning, but once it starts to be given, I just have to continue to type…

There is the world of human consciousness and there is the world of Divine Consciousness, and they are poles apart. Our human world tends to be driven by the consciousness of the mind, but the Divine world runs on the consciousness of the heart and the language of the heart is feeling, not thinking.

Everything in life is a choice. We are given a choice to operate our lives based on thinking or feeling. As far as I am aware, when we spend those formative years where we are fully alive and drinking in the imagery of the world, we don’t have any school lessons that help us with feeling. We are only given lessons that focus our world on thinking.

I wonder why that is?

Well, the answer is simple. The people that put the teaching curriculum together, ‘think’ that is the best way for children to learn about thinking.

So,… Universal Consciousness just sits there and waits for us to discover the language of the heart ourselves. Divine or Universal Consciousness doesn’t influence the mind, it influences the heart, and in that way, it guides us to feel the truth of where our life is going.

Two forms of consciousness and two power centres in the human being. Of course, there are times when we have to bring the two together to rationalise a point, a question, or whatever, but to find the truth of a situation, you always have to sit with it in the heart centre and not the mind. Then you will feel the truth of it.

Light Workers

What Light Workers do, is bridge the world of Divine Consciousness and human consciousness. They bring the two together through their heart. If you use some very simple imagery to view our reality, like, for example, God is sitting on a cloud looking down and what does he see? He sees humans running around like ants, all caught up in their minds, busying themselves in their world, but very few are looking up. But if and when they look up, he says, ‘hello, can I help you?’

The Mission

It is that simple to begin to connect with Universal Consciousness. You just stop, listen to yourself and feel the truth with your heart and then you will begin to open your radio receiver in your heart to pick up the Universal Consciousness station that is constantly transmitting its guidance to humanity.

Universal Consciousness has one mission only. That is to help every person have a successful life. That is how simple the whole process is.

The Vibration of Elation

From Psychics, to Tarot Readers, to Crystal Healers, to Light Workers, each is working by having an open channel to a Divine Vibration that is guiding them and working through them. The more they work, the more their vibration rises. The more their vibration rises, the higher they come into the Divine Light, which results in them being able to offer more light to the world. They each work to bridge the two worlds to offer Divine Light to those who are ready to feel the truth of it, and to open their hearts to it.

That’s what we do. It’s simple, isn’t it?

Your Evolutionary Alignment Program

Finally, for those who are currently receiving the the light of your Evolutionary Alignment Program, welcome once again.

it has been given to align you with the simple things that humans need in order to prosper and be successful, and in particular to help us stay in tune with ourselves and our Divine purpose, whilst lots of other energies are trying to knock us off course.

The Light has asked us to offer this Alignment Program around every two months, but I am sure there are other Light Programs that might suit you at other times, too. All of our Light Programs can be found in the shopping cart of the Emerald Heart Light Teachers, Tim, Harriet, Alexandra and myself. If you are ever suffering or having a difficult time, or you are struggling, just try looking up to that cloud in the sky and see who notices you.

The Help of Light is always there.

With my Deepest Love and Blessings,
