I get a very empty feeling inside when I feel that I haven’t supported you enough with words, teachings, blessings, prayers or whatever. We are a community of like-minded souls. We vibrate on a similar frequency and that is why we are attracted to each other. It is the vibration that is most important and the understanding of vibration spells it out better than anything.
We support each other by the way we interact, even if it is only with a few words now and then or signing up to a project or event that the Light offers to us for our growth. The Light flows both ways and uplifts us all as a direct reflection of how we interact and particularly how we serve the light within our hearts.
There is only light. Nothing else. When it all comes down to the fundamentals of life, there is only light, but in the meantime, we busy ourselves with the fun of creating a life for ourselves.
We are Beings of Light. There is a light at the core of each heart and my life’s work is about bringing the light in my heart to help uplift your heart. As one heart illuminates itself to the next level, so it reaches out to help uplift other hearts. As someone once said, ‘You are a spiritual lamp lighter.’ My work is helping to illuminate your light so that you may carry yourself brighter into the world. Your work is simply to learn how to feel your light at an ever deeper level. As you feel it, so it will guide you. The only thing any of us can ever do, is our best and in that journey, the hope is that we bring peace and tranquillity to the troubles of the heart.
We are all at the banquet of life and the main course is light. Light is the source of all of our creation efforts and light is the source to which we will once again return when the time is ripe. We are nothing without light.
Therefore, seek light. Be with light. Trust light and follow where your feelings take you. Your feelings are the expression of your light.
Today is just another moment in eternity, but today also offers us an opportunity to rise to the best that we can be in the moment. As we labour to raise our vibration to a point where we hold ever more light, we are accompanied always by the greatest light of all.
I am forever grateful for you participation in this journey into light and I hope you feel the blessings of taking part of some of the offerings.
I am looking forward to the Earth Healing event.
With Love and Blessings,
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