Angels and The Emerald Heart Light
Hello to all fellow Emerald Heart Light followers from myself, Patrick Mc Phail. As we approach Spring in the north, Autumn in the southern hemisphere, it seemed an appropriate time to mention these all too familiar beings of light. Angels.
Do we ever stop to consider how angels have so easily become a habitually acceptable part of our culture? From the mentions of them we get in sacred religious texts, like the bible, (and indeed in other beliefs,) which is done with appropriate gravitas, to modern day children’s bedtime stories, garden statues, grave adorning’s, and designs on T shirts. Yet the angels themselves are quite an enigma, despite all our attempts to categorise them. They are mentioned just about everywhere, even by the nineties pop singer Robbie Williams!
So why do we have such an accepting and nonchalant attitude to them, as if we know they’re always there, but find it difficult to talk openly about them? After all, we all seem to acknowledge the existence of our guardian angel? Recent surveys confirm well over half of all people asked believe this to be true, and many of them aren’t in any way religious! You very often hear people saying things like ‘be an angel, for me,’ and so forth.
So, how do angels relate to the Emerald Heart Light? Well, it took me some time to think of a connection, but I meditated on the frequent image I see of the Light in my third eye. (I am sure many of you have seen something like I have, when on a program or an essence, that being of a strong luminous, bright green effulgence.) A mesmerising, cascading, beautiful shower of energy or light, sometimes with hints of a light blue tinge. I could go on and on about how simply wonderful it is! And indeed, it does look very much like a heart, opening outwards, like the petals of a flower. Not unlike the incredible design on the Emerald Heart cards, which David and other practitioners frequently send out by mail, and of course, this similarity is no accident.
I was staring at the card for quite some time recently, when I noticed something that caught my attention. Towards the bottom of the design, just under the heart graphic, are a pair of white angel’s wings! They feather outwards and upwards on either side of the heart. Indeed, this is what gave me the impetus to write this article! How is it that we simply imply this feature in so many things almost subconsciously?
Further spiritual research led me to discover that apparently, the ‘wings’ we see when looking at images of Angels, are derived from the radiating light which blossoms forth from their heart centres. So, in fact, they are meant to symbolise an energy extension which emits a strong light, or energy, from the centre of their beings.
I will admit here that one of the reasons I was so connected to this topic is that I do, frequently, get glimpses of Angels, or Angelic beings, especially when meditating at certain times. Some of the images are quite strong! Depending on my level of perception at any given time.
I am sure I am not alone in this. As we develop our spiritual awareness more, the veils of illusion begin to drop away from our third eye chakra. Then we can often begin to visualise Light beings during meditation. Sometimes, but not always, what we see seems to resemble an angelic figure with outstretched arms or wings. Could this be where we get the connection with the original image of the Emerald Heart? For sure David would know, as he is the original channel of the Emerald Heart Light in all its glory. But there is simply no denying the breathtaking beauty!
In conclusion, I would say that the essence of the wonderous miracle that constitutes the Emerald Heart Light, is the Divine Light of God consciousness, or as David himself recently said, the light of Yeshua Himself. To my mind, the angel wings are supporting the beautiful central focus of the Christ Light, which is of course, very much Heart Centred. In much the same way as when we look at old texts and images of Christ, from the Christian tradition, we often see Jesus encircled with a chorus of beautiful angels. So do the angels surround and support the absolute magnificence and majesty of the Emerald Heart Light! And, so it is!
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