The Divine Mother Healing at New Moon
Healing from the Supreme Feminine Source
The Divine Mother Healing is a healing directly from the Womb of Creation, the Supreme Feminine Source. This makes it very different from other healing modalities.
During a 1-hour Divine Mother Healing, you are strongly united with the Womb of Creation, aka the Divine Mother. You could set an intention for your deepest pain to be resolved, or simply receive it for your highest good.
- You do not need to login to any website or be online
- You will receive a remote healing of 1 hour
- You receive it at 8pm in YOUR OWN TIMEZONE

Her Black Light is pregnant with unmanifest potential
The Divine Mother is where the Black Light resides, a Light invisible to the eye but full of unmanifest potential. You can compare it with the peaceful yet creative darkness of your mother’s womb.
This Black Light is the missing link in our society, denigrated and denied by patriarchy over thousands of years. The Black Light from the Divine Mother should not be confused with darkness in the sense of evil and is not to be afraid of. On the contrary, being reunited with the regenerative Light of the Womb of Creation is what humanity is craving for.
You can imagine how profound and transformational a healing with the invisible Light from the Womb of Creation can be! 🙂
Each Divine Mother Healing is a true opportunity to make a huge step forward.

New Moon, for the very best results
Did you know that the days around New Moon are excellent for receiving healing?
Did you know that the New Moon energies are great for aligning with a higher version of yourself?
Do you know why?
- The New Moon energies draw you strongly into your being
- The deepest aspects of you that need healing are the most accessible
- New Moon is the most natural time of the month to let go of the old
Each New Moon gives a chance to let go and align with a higher version of yourself.
Did you know that the best healing results are achieved when the Divine Mother and the New Moon work together?
After registration, you will receive a link in the order confirmation to instructions on how to receive your healing.
I am excited to share this new healing opportunity with you and keen to receive your feedback!
With my heartfelt love,