Read on for a special message from Emerald Heart Founder David Ashworth concerning the March Equinox period.
Dear Spiritual Seekers,
Without question this will be a powerful time of transformation.
Our students have begun their preparations for the 13 Moons Spiritual Journey almost two weeks ago, but as events unfolded, we thought we would share with you something of the amazing timing of the beginning of this Spiritual Journey and then you will also be able to celebrate in your own way.
In more than 20 years of working with my source of Guidance, I have never ceased to be amazed at the timing of things that are given to me. It was last October that I was given the 13 Moons Journey as I woke up after the night of a full moon. I was also given the start date, New Moon in March.
I didn’t think much more about the date until this week as things were hotting up for the start of the Journey at the Equinox New Moon. It is difficult to imagine that the astronomical alignments could be more powerful with 4 major events taking place in the sky within minutes and hours of each other. The Guidance certainly knows how to create a fanfare for the launch of a new party. So without more ado, below please find some information on what is happening this coming Friday to launch our 13 Moons Journey at 09.36 Friday morning.
Friday 20th March, 8.25am 2015 – The Fireworks Begin!
When I was given this new Spiritual Journey of 13 Moons to open the heart, some six months ago, I had no idea that we would be experiencing certain astronomical and energetic phenomena on our starting day. These alignments will not be repeated in our lifetime, or for 75 years at the minimum for the next solar eclipse and probably a lot longer than that where this certain combination of factors are concerned.
On this coming Friday, 20th March 2015, we will experience, in this order:
A Super Moon
The Full Moon as it passes in front of the sun
A Solar Eclipse
The New Moon
The Equinox
What a powerful display of visual and energetic phenomena.
The Super Moon
A Super Moon is when the moon reaches its closest point to the earth, which has the greatest effect on the water of our planet. You may have noticed in the build up to this moon that your hands feel dry or that you need to drink more as the moon will pull the water out of your body. As the moon pulls the water from your body, you naturally drink more, which in turn begins a cleansing process. I have found myself avoiding coffee and drinking more herbal infusions for example, and I have felt the dryness in the hands for over two weeks. The moon will be pulling the tides strongly, too, in what are known as Spring tides, the highest tides of the year, so if you get a chance to observe one of these, they are indeed very interesting to experience.
The Cleansing: As the moon pulls the water from your body and you drink more to compensate, that is the natural cleansing cycle that the Universe offers to you. So, your cleansing has begun, the planets have aligned in your life and you are already being prepared for the start of your 13 Moons journey with this natural cleansing.
The Super Moon visually appears to be around 14% bigger than when it is at its furthest point from earth in its elliptical orbit. However, as we can’t see it in the sky at night just yet you will have to wait to appreciate it. If you can find the time and place of moon rise, this is always the best time to observe it.
The Solar Eclipse – 9:31 a.m. GMT
This will be the most spectacular solar eclipse to be visible from Britain for 15 years, since 1999, and the next one will be on September 23rd 2090, seventy five years away, so this may be the last opportunity you get to observe one in Britain in this lifetime, If you can, make an effort to at least be outside when the fireworks, or darkness, begins.
A solar eclipse is when the moon passes in front of the sun and blots out its light. We don’t get total darkness, but we experience a weird kind of twilight. It will be good to observe the animals at this time, as they respond easily to energetic changes, like the direct energy of the sun being blocked out. See do you notice anything. Do the birds go quiet for example or are your dogs and cats disturbed in any way.
Solar Eclipse Times at London, England
Solar eclipse begins: 8:25 a.m. Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) Greatest eclipse: 9:31 a.m. GMT Solar eclipse ends: 10:41 a.m. GMT Maximum obscuration of solar disk: 84%
The New Moon – 09.36 GMT
Only five minutes after the Solar Eclipse, in fact whilst the moon is still partially covering the sun, the New Moon is officially born at 09.36am.
So our Journey of 13 Moons begins during the solar eclipse. How special is that timing? It reflects to us the nature of our journey together, which is of course, ‘from darkness into light.’
If you can stand in the energy of the darkened skies and then take your drops at 09.36, it will be honouring the Guidance that has given us this Journey. As you can see from the synchronicities of the astral events, this could not have been by accident. Guidance could have suggested any time at all for the commencement of the journey, but it chose 09.36 on the 20th March 2015.
The Spring Equinox, March 20th 2015 – 22:45 GMT
Late in this same evening, the sun crosses the equator and brings spring to the north and autumn to the south. A great traditional time for celebration, a time of rebirth and renewal as life begins to emerge again from the soil and the buds on the trees in the north, and a time for resting and sleep for those in the southern hemisphere.
In our modern small world, we can have contact with those who are experiencing the exact opposite of ourselves, but yet we are all linked in one life on our blessed earth.
I will write more about the equinox as we enter the 13 Moons on Friday.
The Light Transmission 1.00am, 19th to midnight on the 21st March, at your local time.
The light Transmission is from 1.00am on the 19th to midnight on the 21st March at your local time, where you live.
What is The Light Transmission?
This is a great opportunity for you to experience The Emerald Heart Light without an exchange. It occurs four times a year at the solstices and equinoxes.
The Emerald Heart Light opens the heart and reveals to you the truth of who you are and why you are here. It gently pushes you towards taking the right path in life, the path you chose before incarnating into this life.
During life, we get distracted and often end up going from slightly off course from our chosen destination to totally in the wrong direction. Is your life on track? Does it feel like everything is flowing and that you are in sync with the Universe and your Life Plan? Or do you feel that some things need adjusting? Well, more often than not, things need adjusting because of errors of judgement we make when navigating life in general, even if it is saying that you will do something for someone and you know that it doesn’t feel right.
Life is nothing more than a series of lessons, learning to live totally in the flow of why you were here. This does not mean learning to live totally in the flow of why someone else’s journey impacts yours. It is about learning boundaries and being fair to yourself and serving your life mission first.
When we become healers, for example, it is natural that we want to help others, as that is our mission. It is important, however, that we put ourselves first and ensure that our life is in the right place before we practice our art. Putting yourself first is about ensuring that your life is as perfect as it can be and you are in the best conditions possible before you try to fix somebody else’s life.
The Light Transmission is an opportunity to experience the Light and allow it to bring to the surface any imperfections in your life. Allow the Light to show you, through your feelings, how your life feels. Does it feel perfectly in balance, or does it feel like there are a few things that need attention?
From 1.00am on the 19th to midnight on the 21st March at your local time.
The Light will be available for you for Three Full Days.
There is still time to register for this Light Transmission by following the link below and leaving your name, country and email address on the appropriate registration form.
With Love and Blessings
David Ashworth
thank you Dave ♥ From: The Emerald Heart Blog To: Sent: Wednesday, 18 March 2015, 9:55 Subject: [New post] David Ashworth – March Equinox Update – 13 Moons / Light Transmission #yiv8330308903 a:hover {color:red;}#yiv8330308903 a {text-decoration:none;color:#0088cc;}#yiv8330308903 a.yiv8330308903primaryactionlink:link, #yiv8330308903 a.yiv8330308903primaryactionlink:visited {background-color:#2585B2;color:#fff;}#yiv8330308903 a.yiv8330308903primaryactionlink:hover, #yiv8330308903 a.yiv8330308903primaryactionlink:active {background-color:#11729E;color:#fff;}#yiv8330308903 | Ian posted: “Read on for a special message from Emerald Heart Founder David Ashworth concerning this March Equinox period. Without question this will be a powerful time of transformation. Dear Spiritual Seekers,Our students have begun their p” | |
Hi David, thank you for your blog. I’m excited about receiving the light transmissions!
Can you please elaborate on ‘the super moon’ and ‘the full moon as it passes in front of the sun’ taking place tomorrow? As I thought the super moon is on September 28th and full moon not until the 4/5th of April. Thanks and Blessings, Jeanien Arayah