A Unique Healing System
Receive Powerful and Transformative Healing anywhere in the World
A path to
Tap into the Unconditional Love and
Healing Intelligence of the Universe
with The Emerald Heart Light
Light = Love
The Unconditional Love from the Source.
The Emerald Heart Light melts away the energies that stand between your Essence and the Source, such as fears, negative beliefs, unwholesome patterning, past-life traumas and present life pain.
Love Conquers All – Amor vincit omnia
Who are we and what do we do?
We are Healers and Light Work Practitioners offering our individual gifts and talents through the Divine qualities of the Emerald Heart Light and Mary Magdalene Light.
We work with the light to illuminate our own truth for the benefit of our healing, spiritual development and evolution of consciousness.
By working on ourselves with light, we constantly develop so that we can serve the Light, our Mother Earth and Humanity to create a better world.
As we serve the Light, the light serves us the Divine ability to help others.
your Life
Your Self
Develop Spiritually
Experiences with the Emerald Heart Light
“Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed sed cursus erat, quis ornare lacus. Cras semper aliquam velit, quis posuere leo semper a. Aliquam vulputate sem ac quam elementum, non vehicula neque volutpat. Fusce sollicitudin purus ac ornare malesuada. Nunc tincidunt auctor nibh, eu hendrerit dolor. Curabitur imperdiet magna ac mauris pulvinar varius. Mauris faucibus erat nec nisi fringilla semper. Nullam pharetra neque vitae sapien finibus porta.”
Alexandra Meyn
Head of the Divine Plan Healing Academy
“Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed sed cursus erat, quis ornare lacus. Cras semper aliquam velit, quis posuere leo semper a. Aliquam vulputate sem ac quam elementum, non vehicula neque volutpat. Fusce sollicitudin purus ac ornare malesuada. Nunc tincidunt auctor nibh, eu hendrerit dolor. Curabitur imperdiet magna ac mauris pulvinar varius. Mauris faucibus erat nec nisi fringilla semper. Nullam pharetra neque vitae sapien finibus porta.”
Harriët Kroon
Channel of The Mary Magdalene Light