emeraldheartlight.comContinuing the Notes from the Elders series, Yvonne Hrdy shares with us her insights surrounding the process of touching into Emptiness.


Do Not Fear Emptiness

The following notes are meant to share specific experiences that everybody who follows a truthful spiritual path will come across at some point: becoming empty or experiencing emptiness. As in recent Emerald Heart Gatherings, people touched into emptiness and got a glimpse of it, therefore, I thought this might be a good moment to share some of my own experiences as you might find them helpful.

I guess that all of you who have participated in Emerald Heart Gatherings, Retreats or Being in the Light Sessions have benefitted from the very pleasant effects of being emptied from worries, emotions, tensions, fears or whatever you brought with you on that specific day. If you haven’t yet, I strongly recommend this to you. It is an amazing experience, as you learn to feel the stillness and the peace within your heart and your whole being, that which is truly you, allowing your heart to open more and more over time.

At a certain point, however, the more you dissolve the blockages and limitations and the deeper you go, the experiences of being emptied might become a bit more intense – both in your spiritual practice and your daily life and when you touch into it the first time, it will probably be a bit scary. Well, in fact, most likely a few deep fears are going to be triggered that all humans carry within.

When it happened to me the first time – in a private session with David Ashworth – I first thought I had gone completely numb as I could not feel anything anymore. My ego and my mind went into a bit of confusion due to this unknown state of being, trying to figure out what was happening, as far it was able to function until I received an explanation.

Since then I have been experiencing this several times, every time a bit deeper and more intense. Being emptied or touching the emptiness is only scary as it causes the feeling of losing the sense of Self, the ‘I’, the ego-self we are used to and which gives us also a certain reference frame in how to judge, evaluate or ‘label’ our experiences. It might even feel like your identity and all your spiritual knowledge and experiences are being taken away, everything that you think you have achieved so far on your spiritual journey, or who you have become – which, however, is still only your false ego-self and another attachment you have created.

Going into the emptiness, which you could also describe as nothingness or aloneness, can be very frightening and will probably trigger exactly those fears: Fear of emptiness, Fear of nothingness, Fear of the void, Fear of loss, Fear of losing my identity, Fear of being alone and above all, Fear of the unknown.

This is because of course, you are not completely empty yet. You are merely touching deeper fears and issues in the sub-conscious ego-self which need to be faced and you are first experiencing the absence of your ego at a certain level in this stage. All you need is trust, deep trust, to stand these moments and face them, no matter how long they may last, which can be days, weeks or months.

As long as you still have desires and expectations during these periods of transition, like the desire that the situation might be over, or you expect something profound to happen or simply wait, you are not completely empty yet as being empty is first of all what it is: being empty.  When you can allow this to happen, to the extent that it is possible for you in that moment of time, you will get a feeling of the more God-like vibrations within you, emanating from your heart, a sense of your real Self and maybe even get a sense that everything is already within you.

Eventually we all strive for becoming empty, becoming empty of our ego-selves in order to experience the God-Self within.

Yet, many already struggle with the first, basic steps to create some empty space in their daily life. How can you ever experience your real self when you are full of clutter and fill and feed yourself permanently with input, be it material or immaterial, from outside? It won’t be possible. Your ego-self, instead, will fool you even more into doing this and that in order that the emptiness, which we all perceive and fear at a certain level, will be filled, which of course doesn’t work.

If you can’t relate to yet what I am talking about above, you might want to start to look at your daily life: do you manage to give yourself real free, empty time on a regular basis? For example going into nature, without any specific goal like doing your work-out? Or simply sit at home and look at a tree in front of your window instead of consuming all kind of media to fill your free time?

Do you dare to go into the emptiness and experience it at whatever level you are able to experience? There is nothing to fear, but the rewards can be great.

With Love and Blessings,

Yvonne Hrdy

Munich, Germany, 24.11.2013