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A Day In The Light Workshop

Saturday 18th March 12-6pm via Skype

You are invited to join me for A Day In The Light Workshop

Through Guided Meditations, Teachings and Sharings, we relax more and more deeply as the Emerald Heart Light envelops us in its softness and purity.

As we become restored and uplifted so we feel more able to face the rigours and challenges of our lives.

As we become energised with positive and dynamic energy and light so we more readily access the creative evolutionary drive of life that seeks to express itself through us.

As our Inner Light shines from our hearts more brightly we more readily express our True Nature through our lives, which in turn influences the world for good.

I hope you will join me for this golden opportunity.

The exchange is £70.00.

Please email me to reserve your place and to receive payment details.

Lots of love,


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