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Darshan with David

DARSHAN will be transmitted at all three times to everyone who has registered.
You receive it at YOUR local time. No need to convert time zones.

Just prepare yourself for the most convenient time for yourself and you will receive your DARSHAN Blessing.

(You don’t need to let us know the time you have chosen).

Each time you ask for the Light of Darshan, it will manifest in the very core of your heart, and in that way, you will bring more light into the world.

What is DARSHAN?
Darshan is a Divine Blessing transmitted through the heart of one who has attained access to Divine Consciousness.

The Blessing comes from the Source, directly into your heart. You don’t need to do anything other than prepare yourself to receive at the appropriate time, above.

How can DARSHAN help me?

DARSHAN can help in many ways.

People experience many different things, some profound and deeply spiritual and others receive illumination and practical answers to life’s everyday questions and It can provide deep healing. Because the DARSHAN Blessing comes directly from the Source into your Heart, it is very personal and given for what you need in the moment.

Below are some of the things people have experienced:

♥  Powerful healing

♥  Relief of daily stress and anxiety. (Very common)

♥  Overcoming powerful addictions

♥  A deep sense of peace

♥  Awakening to new levels of reality

♥  Improved focus and clarity with creativity and work

♥  Deep inner peace or even states of bliss, which can last for long periods of time

♥  Being connected with all of humanity, no separation

♥  Expanded sense of Inner Knowing and a sense of belonging

♥  Clearing of energy blockages and even past karma

♥  Contentment, well-being, happiness and a pure joy

♥  The oneness of everything, which changes the way you see life

DARSHAN can illuminate changes that you need to make in your life, and sometimes even dissolve the blockages to those things, which then moves you forwards immediately.

Many have absolutely profound, life-changing experiences of literally being touched by God. It can be dramatic or sweet and simple, leading to a feeling of nourished wellbeing.

DARSHAN will give you what you need in the moment.


With Love and Blessings,


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