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Energise, Improve & Develop your Root Chakra

Feel safer, more secure and grounded

If you are looking to improve your grounding and feel safer, more secure and balanced, I recommend receiving a 1-month Light Transmission with a special focus on your Root Chakra.

Benefits of this Root Chakra Month

  • Enhanced grounding capacities

  • Feeling rejuvenated

  • A deeper sense of belonging

  • Feeling more safe and secure on Earth

  • More clarity, overview and focus in life

How it works

Instead of doing exercises, you receive a 1-month Light Transmission. This transmission consists of ‘The Ray of Groundedness’, which is one of the 22 Divine Feminine aspects of The Mary Magdalene Light. This specific Ray will flow through your aura to energise, improve and develop your Root Chakra.

  • It helps you surrender more deeply to the loving energies of Mother Earth.

  • This Light Transmission will clear, unblock, energise, balance and support your Root Chakra in a more profound way than you could do yourself.

  • The Mary Magdalene Light will also invite your Root Chakra to develop and evolve to another level. Meaning, your Root Chakra will be activated and/or strengthened at the level of your extended Light Body.

  • The Mary Magdalene Light is a feminine Spiritual Light. It will help you connect more deeply with the abundant, replenishing Feminine Forces, within and around you.

Want to know more about the free essence vibration?

If you would like to know more about our Root Chakra Month and the free essence vibration ‘Safe Grounds’ find more information by visiting this link.

I am excited to share this new healing opportunity with you and keen to receive your feedback!

With my heartfelt love,


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