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Are you ready to help the Earth?

Watch the video below to find out how you can help Mother Earth

    Are you looking for a community of like-minded people
to enhance your spiritual growth?

If so, you are in the right place!

    Is it important to you to help in the healing of Mother Earth?

You can do this and more by joining the

Circle of Light Earth Healing Community.


Through extremely advanced spiritual processes David can pour light into your heart so that you can use this light for Earth Healing. The results are incredible and people feel so blessed to have be a part of this process.

  • Personal Development
  • Enhanced Connection to Mother Earth

  • Spiritual Development
  • Navigating Life
  • Be part of an Online Community
  • Guided Earth Healing Processes
  • Deeper Understanding of Spiritual Light

  • You will benefit from the Light Pouring into Your Heart

  • Regular Spiritual Teachings
  • Free Vibrational Essences
  • Members Area

Membership is open to anyone who is ready to serve the Universe, Mother Earth and themselves with personal
and spiritual development.

What the community say

Dear Dave,

I want to say a big thank you for you recent teachings in the Circle of Light, The Emerald Heart Light programme and the detox. They are received with gratitude.  I feel your words reaching deep into my heart and supporting my journey, the journey of others and the earth.  There is a feeling of community, unity and love I receive.

Your  support is a beacon of light in these times and a reminder of what truly matters.

Love Phillipa.

Dear David,

The light has served as a focus for me at this time, like a beacon of light. ant to be in the future. The light has allowed me to trust in the process.

The light gives strength, increases trust, allowing access to ones own qualities to come to the fore, allowing healing and expression of self to increase.

Yes value for money….but how do you put a price on this? You have made the light available to many. Thank you David.

Love and blessings


Dear David,

The Light uplifts me, makes me lighter, gives me courage and helps me to see things in a more positive, light-hearted way. It helps me in an intuitive way to me more waware in generald andmore aware of my heart and in touch with my hear. I am more compassionate with things. The Light also keeps me grounded.

Love, Tianneke

Hi David,

The Light has literally shed light on aspects of my shadow via dreams.

I believe you paddle your own canoe in this life but the guidance of a teacher for me is important. The light that comes through David’s heart brings guidance and has brought conscious awareness to things that were previously unconscious for me.

The investment is very worthwhile investment for anyone who wants to become more conscious in this lifetime.

I would recommend a Connection to this Light to people who want more from life and want to move forward with the help of a teacher.

Kind regards


Dearest Dave,

This is absolute value for money, worth every penny and I would highly recommend this for people to try. I experience this energy (Light) as being very gentle and feminine, healing and nurturing and feel truly blessed to be receiving it.

Thanking God for you Dave, always.

Much Love,


Dear Dave,

I had a great day hiking. Did the Earth Healing after about 3 miles at a spot that felt right and was pulled very deeply into the Earth and then pushed back up in such a way I felt I had a rocket strapped to me and found the next 13 miles very easy.

Sussex really is a special county.

Love, Tim.

Hi Dave,

I wanted to communicate my thoughts during the Eaerth healing this morning. I am not usually disposed to doing this but this time I felt I ought to, don’t know why, probably doesn’t matter!

My chosen location: The Earth’s Atmosphere

My First simplistic and possibly naive thought when choosing my location was to purify the air to help stop the spread of the C virus. But during the healing I had a strong feeling that it was about dispersing the mass cloud of negativity above the earth – above us. I saw and perceived the Light cutting through the darkness with a Majestic Storm.

As I had sat down to attune to my guidance in preparation, I felt a parting,  as it were. I was being shown a clear pathway flanked by my guidance, higher self and others creating a clear pathway directly to the Beings of Light who are overseeing the Circle of Light Healing.

Love, blessings light and thanks


Hello David,

I’m sure you are being inundated with feedback from the Earth Healing but felt to briefly report mine if that’s ok.

I woke up to some guides soothing and pulling energy off my arms. (I’ve had real energetic pains in them for many weeks which wake me throbbing at night).

The guides kept referring me to the bottle (of essence) on the side nearby. “How lovely,” I thought, “something to do with the Earth Healing.”

Then I received a message, which I wrote down. She said she was an angel called Sephone, like Persephone only Sephone. And she’d been sent to help me at this time as I would need help but it was all ok and I had what it took etc.

In the morning I googled Sephone (an interactive media company in Maine USA… so maybe got that wrong). I’m sure you know Persephone is the Greek goddess of Springtime but that made me smile when I googled it. I didn’t know that.

I then did my remote healing and my knees buckled instantly and I lay flat out sucked onto the ground with my forehead and palms on the bedroom floor. It was like a thunderbolt going through my heart and I felt like I was falling down into a wind tunnel, my limbs jerking about. And then it stopped just like turning off a tap.

So I think Mother Earth got it.

I’m not sure where this is going but I intend to be brave and make the most of the new beginnings I feel are afoot. And my arms feel pretty much back to normal. Hooray!

So thank you again David, I reflected today on the last year and how at the last Spring equinox I genuinely had no sense of Earth energies whatsoever. And how much I have learnt since then. Discovering and deepening this earth connection has expanded my ‘upward reach’ no end too.

It’s all quite amazing and I think you’re great doing this!

Lots of love Janice x

Dear David

It’s been a great expansion journey so far and so many insights and learning that I have difficulties keeping up, but journalling is really good and insightful.

Thank you very much for your gift of the Emerald Heart and sharing and keeping it all centered in the heart Zero point.

Much love and gratitude


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