This evening, we were a group of four women, Gathering in the Light of The Emerald Heart. The Gathering began with sharing the Emerald Heart Essence and blessing ourselves with its Light. This is a little like baptising yourself.  It is a welcoming in of the Light from the deepest aspects of your heart and can have profound effects on your Being, opening you to joy and bliss within.

I read the Emerald Heart Mantra as a slow meditation, allowing the Light in the words to float freely through the consciousness of each individual present and was then Guided to share the Inner Silence Essence and the Bach Flower Remedy of Sweet Chestnut with everyone, as we sat in a quiet circle.  Inner Silence is very good at taking you into a very deep space within, which then allows you to experience the great peace that lies at the core of our Being.  The Sweet Chestnut also promotes inner peace and comfort, allowing for renewal to take place as a healing, whilst developing a sense of purpose and direction in life.

The Light took us into a deep meditative space, where we were grounded in the safe, nurturing arms of the Earth Mother, whilst our hearts became connected with her heart, allowing us to receive inner strength.

The second part of the evening I taught and shared with everyone the empowering art of pendulum dowsing.  As a result of the stillness within that had been created by the meditation and preparation with the essences, we were all ready for our deeper consciousness to respond swiftly and with clarity to learning this art of accessing our own Higher Selves and Inner Guidance. We had a lot of fun practicing the basics.  By the end of the Gathering everyone was able to dowse and there was an air of excitement and joy felt by all present.

My next Gathering is 5th December 2011