Emerald Heart Practitioner Tim Dyson has held an interest in Chi Gong that led him to travel around the World, studying under a number of Great Masters.  Tim has now successfully incorporated this knowledge into his Chi Gong Practice which he has built up in London since his return to the UK.  The Emerald Heart Blog caught up with Tim, who was kind enough to take time out of his busy schedule to tell us a little about himself.

“I came to spirituality in the early 1990s through some serious health problems. They were a wake up call to change things in my life and to resolve them I was forced to take my first steps into the esoteric world through learning Chi Gong.

At first I was unsure what to make of the increasingly subtle and strange experiences the Chi Gong practice brought about, but I began to remember many things from my childhood, such as being rather obsessed with star wars and wanting to be a Jedi Knight with special powers.  The experiences of subtle energy moving through me in various ways, of the heavens and the earth opening to me felt like coming home, once I had overcome my fear of them and I began practicing for longer and longer periods of time. The unseen world called to me and I desired to learn more about it.

I spent a lot of years with various Chinese Chi Gong Masters and a Balinese Master, learning many things about the nature of various subtle energies, how to apply them for healing, play, strengthening, meditating and how to use them to teach others. I learnt a lot on this journey about the negative side of energy, about my own darkness, how it worked to keep me in its grip and how to use the positive energies to conquer it. I became aware of the internal struggles between Light and dark within others and began teaching how to access the positive energies to win through, over the negative aspects. My classes became increasingly popular, but I was also aware I was looking for something more in terms of understanding, something that would take me to the next stage of my own evolution. That something arrived when I was, in what I can only describe as, led into a Spiritual/New age bookshop and straight to Dave Ashworth’s first book ‘Dancing With the Devil as You Channel in the Light.’

I realised David Ashworth’s depth of perception was incredible and began working with him, first as a client and after about 6 years of intensive evolutionary work with Dave, he invited me to train as an Emerald Heart Practitioner. I had some very intense and other worldly sessions with David, as his Guidance sought to resolve some things within me and I realised that this was what I had been looking for.  I love the precision of the Emerald Heart work, the way the issues are targeted so precisely, that the client can’t help but change and grow.  I witnessed this both with myself and then with my own clients, it’s a truly magical process.

I realised the many years I have spent both learning and teaching Chi Gong gave me a valuable tool in my approach to my work as an Emerald Heart Practitioner. My experiences are my own. I can’t undo them, so it made sense to find ways to utilise the deep experiences and subtle understandings I had gained and that I can draw into my work as an Emerald Heart Practitioner. This happened very organically and naturally with no real effort on my part,  both complementing each other very nicely. My Chi Gong experience turned out to be a good foundation for this new way of working I had embarked on. I struggled briefly about whether I was a Chi Gong teacher or an Emerald Heart Practitioner before realising that I am both but also that beyond either of these things , I am a spiritual teacher and my place in this world is to guide, teach and uplift others through my experiences, knowledge and capabilities.

My teaching of Chi Gong is enriched immensely by my training in and experience of the Light of the Emerald Heart. It illuminates the picture I need to see in such a broad and clear way that I am able to give so much more to those whom I teach. Similarly, my experiences and understandings gained through the many years of subtle energy work in the Chi Gong field enable me, I am sure, to see more deeply into the issues of my Emerald Heart clients and enable me to carry the Emerald Heart Light to a degree I know I would not otherwise be able to do. All those years of working with powerful energy, with the top Masters, have made my body energetically strong enough to handle the flow of this beautiful Light as it is channelled through me.”

Love, Tim Dyson

Read more about Tim’s work at his website here