Emerald Heart Practitioner Louise Scofield shares her experiences during a recent Gathering.

On Monday 22nd Feb I had the opportunity to hold an impromptu Emerald Heart Gathering with a small group of women. I requested a connection for the gathering direct to Dave’s heart as he has guided us to do in these circumstances and then just trusted the Light would be with us.

As the Gathering commenced I felt drawn to bless everyone with the Light of The Emerald Light as I went round the room sharing the Emerald Heart essence with each person. I started to feel the Light with us very strongly as we stood in the opening circle and emotion started to move within me as we were gently held in the nurturing Light.

I had been Guided that the theme of Gathering would be “love”. The evening flowed very naturally into discussions about self-love and embracing our uniqueness as individuals, as well as feeling the strength and connection between us all, as a group of females Gathering in the Light of the Emerald heart.

The Light took us into a guided visualisation/meditation, which brought us all into a very peaceful silent state of being. Afterwards whilst sharing our experiences we found to our amazement that everyone had been shown a yellow flower. There were Roses, Spring Daffodils and Sunflowers, all in yellow. One person heard the sound of cleansing rain throughout the meditation yet it wasn’t raining outside, whilst one person drifted off on a large yellow rose petal into a blissful pain free state and another felt the power and heard the sound from the wings of a bird as it came down towards her Sunflower to eat the seeds from the flower.

I feel the significance of the yellow flowers was connecting us to our self-worth and Solar Plexus Chakra. Helping us to focus on how we feel about ourselves and drawing our attention to the need for us all to nurture and love ourselves.

We all found the gathering very nurturing and a sense of peace was felt.

I give thanks to The Light of God, Dave and Denise.

Blessings and love

