David Ashworth has just released the latest Guidance from the Universe. This Must Read information helps us understand and prepare for change in these interesting times.

Guidance for the Period April into May 2012

Things are comfortable in the Universe at present. We are within a flowing smooth process and all those seeds that we sowed in order to take us forward during these recent months, before Christmas and after the birthing of the new year, then through the equinox, are now growing strongly. Watch how your seeds grow and flourish.

We are being carried along on a fine wave without too many jerking motions at present, but there is also an intensity to it; there is a power to it and in this power we will transform and for certain, the power will bring up some issues to deal with, but at the same time, the power will carry you along in its flow.

There is also a deepening of the processes within your consciousness. The Universe will be working deeply in your heart in this coming period. Many of you have taken the two previous essences that will have aligned you strongly with the Universal patterns that have brought you to this current place in the journey. These previous essences were given as a new vibration, a deep-heart vibration that is specifically working upon the heart and this forthcoming essence is within that same remit of Emerald Heart Essences and it continues in the same vein of opening your hearts deeply. The reading for the essence will tell all that needs to be told for this period and so we have chosen to give you some clarity through some items of teaching rather than explain exactly what is happening within the Universe right at this moment. It is enough to say that the Universe is, to a certain degree, being gentle in one way, but cutting deeply into the consciousness of humanity to another degree. It is a good time to pay attention to your own inner journey, your own life-path and not pay too much attention to what is happening generally in the outside world. The planetary changes will continue and there is nothing anyone can do to prevent those changes. Love will just go on and find a way and therefore, it is much more essential to pay attention to your own inner changes, for if you can facilitate your own change, you will save yourself from being swept along in the collective consciousness of the rapidly changing outer world and negativity, panic and fear that accompanies those changes.

We are entering the fourth month. A quarter of the year of 2012 has already gone and the speed of things unfolding is truly awesome if you can connect with it. For certain, you will continue to see all manner of interesting changes as the old structures break down in the outer world, but to perceive the changes within yourself takes a little spiritual development. All those of you who have been working hard to prepare for this time will be connected deeply to your own hearts, even if you are not too sure how to interpret what is happening. Those of you who have been awakening for the first time will also be moving very quickly and there will be a deep desire within you to know more. Therefore, this would be a good time to share with you the First Law of Evolution and this will also serve as a reminder to others who have been on the path for some time.

The First Law of Evolution
I have taught you this many times, but some things you have to keep coming back to because people do not see the truth of the teaching until your vibration shifts to the place where you can perceive it with the truth in your heart.

The First Law of Evolution is You Cannot Walk the Path Alone. Why is this? Well, let’s say that there have been great figures in the past who have had great awakenings and to a certain degree it would appear that they have walked the path alone into their own enlightenment, without the help of other humans. But when you look closely, they all had help because that is the way the Universe works. Some of them had to find some of the deeper answers themselves through inner searching, but all of them had help from others at some point on the path.

The reason is that one Light awakens another Light. It is like lighting a match and then lighting a candle from that match, then lighting another candle, and so forth, passing the light along. The process begins with the Light at your centre beginning to seek answers. In reality, the Light at your centre is beginning to seek the Light that will illuminate the truth within your heart. Or to put it another way. Your heart is seeking the heart that will awaken it. This impulse comes from your own Higher Self. Your Higher Self will attempt to guide you to the heart of the person who is carrying the Light that will awaken you. It is a heart-to-heart process. It is almost like you are a passenger in this process, like you have no choice but to be brought to the Light that will help you. However, what happens in humans is that the mind is often so strong and the ego is so strong, that it tries to rationalise what is going on with your heart and in that process you become confused. In order to feel safe, you often step away from the Light that is calling you and in that process your heart begins to cry out in the pain of separation. What most people then do is bury the inner pain and avoid looking at what is happening within them.

Another aspect of The First Law of Evolution is this. The original God-consciousness, the Light that is above them all, begins to call to that small spark of God-Light at the core of your being. We are in this great time where The Calling is awakening many and in this process of mass awakening, it is like watching a firework show from above the earth as the sparks of Light in thousands of tiny hearts begin to light up and radiate their awakening sparks into the hearts of others.

Light is bounding around the earth. Light is bounding from heart to heart but at times your heart will seek that more powerful Light, that Light that will truly illuminate you to the point where the rigidity within the heart must eventually capitulate to the power of the Light and surrender its delicate petals to the opening process. Once the petals of your heart begin to open, wonderful things happen. Consciousness, expands. You begin to see reality differently. You begin to change within and without. You awaken into a new dawn of transformation.

Therefore, learn not to deny your heart when it hears The Calling of a great Light. Learn not to deny your life the joy that the expansion of your consciousness will bring. Learn not to deny the God within you as it seeks to awaken and change you. Step into great light and learn how to pass through transformation after transformation until you no longer recognise the person who used to inhabit your body, that ego self that kept you from your true self.

Beginning to Walk a Spiritual Path
In our world of illusion, there is also a great illusion as to what a spiritual path truly is. It is not something you do on the weekends. It is not something that you play at when it suits you. It is not some joy filled dance around a crystal fire wearing a cloak of many colours and lighting a candle to yourself as you gaze into a golden mirror full of reflections of ego. Yet it can be all these things as well as not be them. Are you confused? I hope so, for in that confusion, there can be seen a clear path out of it. But if you are not confused, then you are probably truly lost in the illusion that is life on earth.

I will explain. The spiritual path is something you live. It is something you become. It is your life. Therefore, it is not something you do when it pleases you. It is something you live every moment of your life for with every breath you take. Upon this path, we may need to touch many lights, many teachers and many modalities of healing and teaching in order to awaken us. But when we find the one thing that challenges us, then we have found the right path.

Without challenge, you do not change. But humans are pathetically weak. The moment a challenge comes, they say to themselves this is too difficult and they walk away. In that action of walking away from the challenge, they step into mediocrity; they step into nothingness; they park their lives in the lay-by of illusion.

But with the challenge comes the joy but this is not a superficial joy, it is a deep joy. It is a joy that comes when the heart truly moves beneath the light of challenge. The petals of the heart open one at a time, a little at a time and your consciousness expands and you truly experience both the darkness that leaves you and the light of the joy at the core of your being. This is the joy of touching something within yourself that can take some people half a lifetime to attain but those who are driven to seek from deep within themselves will never give up. They are the ones who walk this spiritual life path and in that single-minded dedication to themselves and to finding the truth within them they find a joy beyond joy. A joy that is so different than anything you can imagine, that in that moment they touch it, it illuminates their whole being with such a light that others can feel their presence.

And the Truth Shall Set Your Free
This is an old saying but all the old sayings have wisdom within them. As the truth begins to rise within you, from the deep hidden places in your heart, so it is that you have to look upon it. And truly, you will find it disturbing. You may even find it disturbing to the point where you desire strongly to leave this planet, such can be the intensity of it. But your truth is your truth and there is nothing in this world that has more value, for once you face your own truth and begin to work upon the aspects of it that are not comfortable, so you will begin to truly transform and live.

On my own path, I have faced some terrible truths, but in this process my heart has become so clear that I can see so deeply into the truth of others and in this work I help to set them free. However, on this path there have been many who have walked away and in the early days I could not understand why they could not see the beauty and perfection in the Light that shone through me and into their lives. So, I had a chat with God and asked for some clarity; I asked was I doing something wrong or did I need to learn some different skill. The answers were some time in coming; they were years in the coming and in that interim period I honed my skills through the many lessons the Universe sent to me. Then the Guidance spoke.

The Guidance Speaks
When a bright Light comes to earth, it is natural to think that people would flock to it and bathe in its beauty. But what happens with the majority of people is that as the Light shines forth, it touches things within them that disturb them and put them into fear. The Light illuminates their old memories and also their weaknesses, but instead of facing these fears and weaknesses, they run away from the Light. Humans are too afraid to see, therefore they choose to live in the darkness of illusion and for most of them, they manage just fine as they walk this unrewarding path. We say unrewarding because without a Light within you, your journey does not bring you closer to the God-Light, which is all magnificent in its illumination and also it is the one and true destination of all humanity, if only they knew it.

So, on your path David, you have found many who have been drawn to the Light, but as soon as it opens them deeply to their own truth, it became too much for them to bear and so they run away from the Light, making all kinds of excuses to themselves as to what is not right with it.

People will find it difficult to be in your Light and they will not see that you are the best friend that they could have. They will not see that your love comes forth for them through the truth that you see in them. They will not see how many years it took you to find the courage to speak their own truth to them directly in love to help them to move forward. They will not see this truth of which you speak because they will not wish to know their own true selves. And so they will continue to live in the illusion until one day they will awaken and truly see that you opened such a great door for them, but they were just not ready to step through it. They could not find enough courage to trust.

Since the turning of the last century, such has been the story. So many have stepped into your Light but been unable to bear the intensity of the truth that it brought to them, but times are changing very quickly now and many will begin to realise that you are merely the messenger that reflects their own truth and in that realisation, although they will feel the pain of their own truth, they will find courage in their hearts to stand with you and allow your Light to help them. As they find the courage, so the Universe will assist them through the Law of Reflection, but if they continue in denial of their truth, then the Universe cannot do anything to assist them. It merely awaits a movement within their consciousness that allows them to eventually face their own truth.

Even so, anger and hatred will come forth from within them, and this will be a great cleansing. A spewing forth of grievous and noxious venom that would otherwise rot their insides. And many will blame you because they do not yet know any better, but if they have the courage to continue to stand in the Light then it will show them and teach them. And the spewing forth of this anger and hatred from within them will save them great misery in the long term, for these ancient and dark energies would eventually cause them great discomfort, illness and cancers. Just being in your Light will allow these angers and hatreds to leave their bodies and as soon as they can see the truth of what is happening, they will give great thanks to the Universe for what has been taken from them.

The Universe is God and God is the Universe and within all of you is that Universe and that God. You are God, but in order to truly become God you must transform and the release of all such ancient and difficult energies will take you many steps towards that Light at your centre. Your Spiritual Path is your life. It is the journey you take to the heart of your own being and in this process, if you can stand within a great Light, then the Light will illuminate all things that stand in the way of you becoming you; you will illuminate all things that stand in the way of you becoming the God that you are at the centre of your being.

You are God and only you can face the challenges that will eventually reveal that inner God to you and in turn enable you to wear that glowing mantle.

With Love and Blessings.


            Without Darkness,

            You Cannot Know Light.

                                                David Ashworth


Out of the Darkness
I was walking home through the woods from looking at the bluebells in the gathering darkness. Childhood memories came flooding back of how we used to stay out until late over the wild fields and woods. My old mate always seemed to be fearless, but I was always a little nervous of the absolute blackness. I usually left him at his house and then had to walk about a mile home down a dark foreboding lane, which was essentially an old cart track. Either side of the track were tall hawthorn trees and I would stop and crouch down next to them to listen was anyone coming, attempting to be invisible.

Occasionally I would hear footsteps coming towards me out of the blackness, my heart beating so loud in my ears that I had to hold my breath to listen. The fear would build in me as the footsteps approached, but always the person passed by. I would be around 8 to 9 years old and I was acutely sensitive, but didn’t understand those sensitivities at that time.

I have just walked through a very dark pine wood. The stillness was incredible. The serenity and sacredness was tangible and the trees gave me some guidance to help a student who was coming the following day for some evolutionary work. The silence was awe inspiring and I could feel the fear that I felt as a boy as I entered the wood, but there was nothing to be fearful of. I tuned-in a little deeper and allowed the presence of the spirit of the wood to guide me. The essence of the forest brushed up closely to my body. I could feel the forest like a living being, the size of it, the mass and intensity of its breath upon my cheek. As a boy, I was terrified of looking behind me in the dark and I could always sense that there was something there but was too afraid to look. The feeling of terror on the back of my neck.

I walked on the soft floor of pine needles, almost tiptoeing in reverence to the silence, trying not to crack a twig and shatter the glass-like image of stillness. The occasional pigeon fluttered at my approach, yet they seemed not too alarmed. I stopped just to listen to the power of the place, standing tall in its stillness. Not even a feather fluttered down and there was a feeling that if it had, the noise it would make would be totally disproportionate to these moments of sacred silence – inner silence.

I came out of the wood into a brighter but dusky light and I took to the lane walking briskly for some exercise. I could feel the spirit of the wood being left behind as the energies changed out on the open lane. The crows were busy wheeling noisily, finding their evening roosts as I walked on for an hour or so into the gathering gloom of this heavily clouded evening. On the dark approach to my cottage, those childhood memories were still flooding my consciousness, trying to show me something. That ancient sense of fear when in the trees and dark lanes as a boy late at night. That fear of looking behind me because of what I could sense. It now all revealed itself. It was the nature and spirit of the trees that I had felt so strongly as a boy. It was the nurturing presence of the great gods of the earth, who might appear as a heavy presence to humans, let alone a small boy. As I had entered the pine wood this evening, that old fear touched me and I was tempted to look behind me, but knew that I didn’t need to. I recognised where the fear came from. It was Pan, the great God of the Earth. Immediately I felt his presence it triggered the fear but in the same moment, the fear left me as I recognised Pan’s essence. I had no need to look behind me and I recalled that the word panic comes from Pan as that is what his presence triggers within humans, because it is such a powerful and awe striking energy. As I recognised him as I entered the dark pine wood, he immediately opened a pathway for me, guiding me into the wood where the spirit of the forest took over and Pan rested his soul by my feet, allowing me to tread softly upon his garment.

As a boy I had such a terror of that dark lane, of those hawthorn trees, but it was only the spirit of the love of nature holding me in its rapture. It was the presence of Pan. And now, all these years later, my life is still bound up with fear as the trees help to empty my heart of all the darkness that has accumulated over many lifetimes. From boy to man, my journey has been a journey in understanding, dissolving and eliminating the darkness of fear.

Have you ever wondered how you would react in a dangerous situation? I’m sure we all do. I seem to have a great presence of mind in very dangerous situations; a clarity and sense of self-preservation, which is automatic. This was put to the test one day when I was in an armed hold-up in a post office near to Christmas. Two lads came in brandishing guns, screaming at everyone not to move. I can still see the one gun clearly in my mind as it passed in front of my face. In those seconds some kind of inner action seemed to take over. Whilst everyone was assessing the situation through the noise and shouting, my body ran out of the door with the gunmen screaming after me. They had not expected this sudden action… and neither had I! As I looked back a them, something was laughing inside of me. I was in a calm and clear place and the gunmen were now in a panic. They ran out, jumped onto their bicycles and rode off into the night.

The fears that we face within our heart, as they rise to the surface to be examined and worked through can be so much more intense than a perceived dangerous street situation. But fear is only fear. It is an energy, nothing more, but it can bring terror into our lives. When the light opens the darkness within, it is a wonderful thing because it is giving us the opportunity to move beyond that limiting inner presence and once the fear has moved out of us, then we become free of it forever.

As boys, we were wild. We roamed those fields and woods to the point of exhaustion. I would almost crawl home some nights, freezing cold, soaking wet, barely enough energy to breathe and desperate for food. We played so hard it almost killed us, such was our passion to be out exploring. Eventually, I would emerge from the darkness of the lane into the brightly lit streets and a great sense of relief as the shivers ran down my back. I would breathe easily, but still keep up a swift walking pace. The only fear left was what would my Mum and Dad say when I arrived home; dirty, with wet feet, exhausted, starving and way past the time that I should have been home. The spirit of adventure within me was much stronger than the fear I faced when walking through those dark places. The fear didn’t stop me going out and it didn’t make me come home early. The fear was just something I had to go through.

On a true spiritual path, you will have to face some fears, some deep and dark inner fears, but you walk that path with teachers who have gone before you. They know what you are facing; they know what you are feeling and they know how to help you through it. When the darkness of original fear within you rises in the heart, the Light of The Emerald Heart will be your guiding light. It will help you go beyond the fear.

As that small boy, standing silently in the darkness, trying to quiet my heart beat, listening for any sounds of movement, I had to find the courage to walk the path of darkness night after night. Nothing has changed, other than the darkness I face now is within, rather than without, but also, I have now walked thousands of miles through darkness and have learned many things about its nature. Such is the journey into light.

Without darkness, you cannot know Light.

With Love and Blessings.


Heart Search  –  START DATE  15th April 2012                                                                                                                  

Group:             Spiritual Evolution

Keynote:         Prepare to Celebrate with the Revealer of Truth

This essence works a little like a search light probing the skies at night. A great beam of light, which probes the deepest recesses of the heart, opening and loosening all the old issues that resist being seen through the actions of the sub-conscious attempting to hide them.

The subtle heart is made of many chambers and aspects of consciousness. The deeper you go, the more is hidden within.

The deepest parts of the heart are hidden within the seven layers of steel-like energy called ‘The Shells of the Heart.’ These shells are a little like Russian Dolls. They appear to the higher vision like steel spheres, one inside the other and each layer is more intense in the energy it holds in order to keep prying eyes out and maintain the secrets of the truth within. These shells keep you out of your own heart. They keep you from your own truth and also from seeing and being overcome by the deeper issues that remain hidden from your consciousness. This darker truth is the way the sub-conscious hijacks the power within you and bolsters up the Fear of Transformation and the Deep Unworthiness patterns within you. As energy is poured into these issues and fears, you become stuck in life, overcome by the power in the issues and fears and essentially held hostage by your sub-conscious, which has both its own agenda and a desire for nothing to change in your life.

Your waking consciousness may well desire to open up and attain some measure of Spiritual Evolution. However, your sub-consciousness desires exactly the opposite. It desires that nothing changes and in that way everything remains safe and known. Therefore, what we often find is an internal struggle going on between the Higher Self and the sub-conscious. The one trying to ‘allow’ you to open up and the other trying to prevent any change whatsoever.

As the Light of Transformation touches your deeper consciousness, it triggers this internal struggle, which often results in Anger coming to the surface. The anger is a self-defence mechanism to protect you from the power of the Light. The anger is often accompanied by Hatred, which is an extreme form of anger and is designed to distance you from the source of the Light. These deep and powerful emotions of anger and hatred will usually be projected violently at the source of the Light, which threatens to bring the changes, be that an object, like a crystal or a person who carries the Light within them.

When we go beyond The Shells, we enter the space of The Well of Fears. This is the deepest point in human consciousness and to all intents and purposes it resides within and beyond the fifth dimension. Therefore, only those with the most penetrating of inner vision can see and perceive the contents of The Well of Fears.

The Well of Fears contains every unresolved issue and fear that you have ever experienced in every life you have ever had. It is like a vault of unknown proportions, sitting right at the core of your being and your Higher Self desires that the contents be spilled out so that you might attain evolution and enlightenment. However, if this were to happen suddenly, you would not be able to cope with the intensity of the fear and therefore, for most of us, evolution and enlightenment comes as a one-step-at-a-time process, governed by The Higher Self, but also stimulated by our own desire to seek the Truth within.

If it was an easy journey, we would all have attained enlightenment by now. But it isn’t. It takes time and determination.

This Heart Search Essence goes deep within The Shells of the heart to seek out and illuminate those issues and fears that are persistent in their ability to hide from you. This searching beam of light goes beyond the powers of the sub-conscious to sabotage you and hide these issues that hold you back and limit the expression of your higher aspects.

As the Light of Heart Search illuminates the darkness within, that darkness cannot hide from such an enquiring Light and therefore, the darkness begins to move. Heart Search is a revealer and a motivator. It reveals and then motivates the darker clouds in the process of this movement, the issues and fears begin to rise from the depths of the heart and move to places within the consciousness where they may become more free to leave your life.

As well as creating this movement, Heart Search will also begin to dissolve some of these energies, thus allowing you to experience the inner movement of a heart that is being freed of some of its darker burden and limitation.

Allow your heart to sing to the tune of Heart Search. Allow yourself to see your own inner battle. Allow yourself to allow the Light to reveal your inner truth and fully realise that anyone else that you blame is only a projection of something that you do not wish to look at or own about your self.

But, at the same time, celebrate these things which are being shown to you, for when the anger and the hatred comes to the surface, it is ready to be released and in that process those powerful energies will no longer be able to cause you inner pain and distortion of your thinking. They will no longer fester like a cancer at the core of your being.

A Time for Celebration
As you work with this essence, it is a time for celebration as the darkness shows itself to you. A time for celebration as you work with your own inner darkness and a time for celebration as you see the truth of your own darkness and you own it as yours rather than project it on to others. As you realise the darkness is yours, then you enter a place of true spiritual growth. Nothing is anyone else’s fault. Everything in the journey is your own, yet others might be the catalyst to show you your own truth. Celebrate.

The final celebration is when the darkness leaves you and you dance into the truth and clarity of who you are becoming with the knowledge that you are becoming free.

With Love and Blessings.
