emeraldheartlight.comAgain the Universe accelerates. So fast this time that you may not realise what’s going on. This is why we are are lucky to have David Ashworth and what he shares in his latest Guidance is really quite staggering.

Hold on to something secure while you read it. You never know where you’ll end up.

Read the Latest Guidance, January 2013 – Heart Peace HERE

Swedish version HERE

German version HERE

Guidance for the Period – January 2013

Welcome to the New Era.

Where are we in time and space? This is a good question to ask at the beginning of a new era.

We have just left behind the end of the last era, the end of the Mayan Calendar, and surprise, surprise, we are all still here. Of course, there has been a monumental change at a certain level, but can you feel it? Can you appreciate it? The answer is, probably not, unless you are very highly sensitive to the movement of Universal Consciousness.

I have experienced sudden accelerations in Universal Consciousness in the past and the first thing you notice is that you think nothing is happening. It is as if the world goes silent; the universe goes silent. Like a snow covered landscape, there is a silence that you cannot penetrate, unless you are extremely sensitive, and even then, it might take you a few days.

The 21st of December came and went and a part of me knew that something was happening, but another part of me could not feel it. There was total stillness within the total silence. I waited and waited with a kind of apprehension in my heart, and also the touch of fear in my heart that I had lost the ability to feel. Then I remembered that I had experienced this stillness before and the memory of the process flooded back and put my mind and heart at ease. When the Universe suddenly accelerates, at such a rate of speed, the vibration becomes so fine that it is impossible to feel it. It is a little like trying to see infra-red rays, you can’t, but you know they are there. At the same time, the Universal Consciousness is pulling us forward and eventually, we will catch up, as if being pulled on the end of an elastic band. Once the band is stretched to a certain point, it begins to snap forward and at that point, we catch up with where the Universe is headed and become fully connected again.

The Eve of New Year

New Year’s Eve arrived and I still hadn’t reconnected with the speed of Universal Shift. We had been invited by a good friend to visit a sacred landscape and waterfall in the foothills of Wales. We arrived on an overcast and damp afternoon, and the waterfall was in full flood, incredible in it’s power and beauty. We spent an hour or so in the damp, cold afternoon and as the light faded, we retired to a tea room, just before closing time. Tea and cake was consumed by a log fire, in the company of a Christmas tree. It seemed a fitting end to the year. Upon leaving the tea room, the owner of the establishment appeared and regaled us, enthusiastically, with a wonderful teaching of all things sacred in this landscape. The tea shop had closed, but we were invited to stay for tea and more cake. How could we refuse such an invitation, and this New Year’s Eve bore great fruit in the spiritual sharing beneath the sound of the waterfall gushing in the New Year for all gathered by the warmth of the fire. It was an uplifting and enchanting time. One of those chance meetings, where God throws together like-minded pilgrims on the path, to share in the light of each other for a few moments in the birth of something greater.

After returning home and with a fine dinner inside us, our host asked the question. “What is the Universe doing at the moment Dave?” Sometimes, that’s all I’m waiting for in order for the Universal Consciousness to finally break its silence and speak; to open its doors and reveal the picture too me. Even though I had been waiting to feel the truth of the unfolding patterns, in a way, the Universe was saying to me, “Wait and rest, you don’t need to know yet.” But once the question is asked, all is revealed. So, welcome to the birth of a New Wave of Unfolding Consciousness, within the birth of a New Age, within the birth of a New Era. Three layers of shifting time and space, all headed in the same direction, and here we are, the riders on the storm, pulled along in the wake of all that is holy, on a journey into unity.

What’s Unfolding?

In the days immediately after the 21st December, it was as if the bottom of the Universe fell out. Everything moved so fast, it was as if Universal Consciousness didn’t exist any longer. But, by New Year’s Eve, I could feel it again. I could feel what was happening and where it was going.

There are certain patterns within patterns within everything of our reality. A common theme with Universal Consciousness is that you get these phases where you can really move forward at a dramatic rate. Already, can you feel how far away Christmas was. We are only three quarters of the way through January and the speed is incredible. Already, by diary is so full for the first half of this year, and I’m trying to catch up with what is already written in it. It is like I am just on a wave of ‘be here at this time, be there at that date.’ “What about time for me God?” “You can rest when you’re dead. This is your time. Embrace every moment of it.”

One morning last week, I was in the shower and was suddenly overwhelmed with the fear that I couldn’t keep up with how fast things were unfolding. My consciousness was hooked onto the accelerating Wave of Time and it was, for a moment, terrifying. Everything was going too fast. Things were out of control.

We all need to ride this present wave for as long as it lasts, moving as much as we can in our lives in these few weeks before everything changes again.

The acceleration will last until around the beginning of March, but how it affects you is important to understand, if you truly wish to take advantage of The Universal Flow and how it can take us forward.

January 2013:  At the moment, the Universal Consciousness is still pulling away strongly, but around the beginning of February, that elastic image that I mentioned, will be springing forward to the point where we can catch the Universal Wave of the Moment, hooking our hearts onto it and becoming illuminated by the speed at which it moves through its creative processes.

February :  During February, this is a time to really consolidate everything that you have been involved with this past year, and at the same time put new plans into operation. Don’t just think about it, do it, for this is a very powerful yang, active energy and creative force that we can ride.

Allow the past to fall away. Allow the speed to carry you forward and leave the old stuff behind that does not serve you any longer. Don’t try to bring last Era’s stuff into the New Era, or it will really slow you down as the weight of it will be astonishing, compared to the vibrational nature that is already unfolding already within this new age. Surrender the old, let it all go. Even think about forgetting the whole of your past, as it is not important any longer. Get up each morning and welcome being free of the past, give thanks for everything that is and open your heart to joy..

It is the ‘planting of seeds’ time again, but also, this is a time to reap what was sown last year. It is like the Universal Sunshine has just begun to awaken and raise up those seeds that we planted last year and now they are coming up. You may find things manifesting that you had forgotten all about.

March:  As we approach the end of February, and please remember that it is a short month,  Universal Consciousness will shift again, but at this point it is not exactly clear what will happen. However, I can feel what appears to be two different streams. One is continuing to accelerate, and the second seems to be looking deep within us, as if assessing something, but deliberately keeping itself secret or semi-hidden.

The Hidden Stream

This secondary, hidden stream appears like the eye of God, the great eye of Universal Consciousness, watching us deeply. Penetrating deep within our hearts. This is the aspect of reflection, asking us what we really want.

So, the surface wave continues to move quickly, offering uplifting and creative properties and opportunities, and the second, deeper stream, is looking into our hearts and asking what we really want. This is where humans can easily fool themselves. For example, most of them would like to win the lottery, but what’s the point as the money is only a short term fix. The money doesn’t fix your emotions. It doesn’t fix your ego, but for sure, we could say it would make you feel better for a while. But you know what? It would bring most people more trouble than joy. Why? Because they don’t know how to live with power. They don’t know how to use power and most importantly, they don’t know how to allow power to flow. Most humans know nothing about real power, such as the power of the Universe, how to bring it in to their lives and how to learn to flow it through our world. Working with power is a creation process, a process where you begin with one gram of power and you amplify it for the good of the Earth Mother and the evolution of human consciousness. We are not speaking here about using money to help others, but using power to empower and uplift others. But, herein lies a deep teaching and we are not going into that today. Humanity will only learn how to use power through the destruction of ego, for ego is that real devil in disguise within us all.

Looking Into the Truth in Your Heart

This second stream is the most important of the two. Without doubt, it has ‘YOUR FUTURE’ written all over it. But, you have to do something extremely difficult in order to harness it’s true reflection. You literally have to stop your life and examine every aspect of it, find the little bits that are unwholesome, recognise them and ask for help in dissolving them. Don’t think for one moment that you don’t have unwholesome aspects in your personality make up or ego self. The ego itself is a great blemish upon your soul, and you all have this, it is a part of you, you have allowed it to grow, but a the same time you did not have much choice, as this ego subject is part of what you are and comes to you as a kind of survival mechanism for this world, until you can learn to let it go, through small events that change you, ultimately allowing yourself to rest in the arms of God, with nothing and trust that you will be safe. When you are empty and with nothing within you, then you will know power. When you don’t want or need power, then you will have true power.

The Universe wants you all to have such great power, but first, you must learn how to use it. As you learn, power is granted and each level of power that is given will trip you up. It will allow you to find the next issues within you that are unwholesome. You will find things you had no idea were there. You will be amazed.

Illuminating the Core of your Being

So, what has all this talk of power got to do with today and where we stand at this very moment? This secondary stream, as we say, is looking deeply into your heart. As it does this, it will illuminate the very core of your being. In this process, if you can become still enough within, it will allow you to ‘feel the things that need to change.’

What is the quality that you need more than anything, in order to be able to feel so deeply into yourself? The answer is peace. Peace in the heart. When we have true peace in the heart, it becomes uncluttered with random and uncontrollable feelings. It becomes still and in the reflection of this still pool of the core of who you are, you may discover your Inner Truth.


So, let’s be clear what is happening right now. Through February, we have the uplifting speed that will allow our creative processes to burst forth and create, providing that we allow this and do not smother it. So, do not sit their thinking about what you would like to do. Just do it and see what happens. Take action. Be bold and make some moves and see what is reflected to you.

But this speed is also beginning to open our deeper hearts for what is to come in March, where the second stream, the ‘Eye of God’ begins to look deep within you, to help you to see what needs to change within you, in order to move you to a higher level of your evolution.

Riding the wave is easy. You just act on the impulses from your heart each day, each moment, each second. Learn to be free of the fear of not acting and take action. This wave will carry you forth with ease.

But looking into yourself is where the real treasure lies. Keep looking deeply into yourselves with the help the Universe is bringing to you. We are also bringing you help to do this. The essence of this period is called Heart Peace, and it is given to help prepare you for the coming shift in March, where the inner stillness will allow you to do some real work upon yourselves, work that will have the potential to unlock your deeper, inner truth and in that process; the potential to unlock the God within you.

Essence of the Period – Heart Peace

Start Date: Saturday 26th January 2013

Group:             Spiritual Evolution

Keynote:         Expanding the Peace in Your Heart

As we passed through the end of the Mayan Calendar on the 21st December 2012, there seemed to be a silence in the Universe. However, what was really happening was an acceleration so fast, that it was almost impossible to feel it. By the time we reached the 3rd of January, the new energies were making themselves known and felt more clearly. A new Era was born.

As always, when the Universe accelerates, something deeper happens. At this time, a kind of Inner Peace is discernible and it comes from deep within the Universe. It is like the Universe is still pulling at our consciousness, as fast as it ever was, but at the same time, there is a sense of Peace within the pulling process.

As the Universe pulls at our Hearts, the Inner Peace is being revealed from within us. It is the Peace at the centre of all that is, which is being accessed through the hearts of humanity. So, the Universe is pulling at our hearts and revealing our own Inner Peace. Our Heart Peace.

Even though this Essence has been birthed as we enter the new era, it can be used at any time to open and accentuate the Inner Peace of the Heart, connecting you deeper into yourselves, and in that process, connecting you deeper into the process of Creation, which is Universal Consciousness.

As you take this Essence, the Heart Peace opens up into your life, spilling its love into you. It brings vision and relaxation, an ability to let go and detach from all manner of obstacles, that you may be carrying with you, unknowingly. It opens you to be able to see the core of who you are. It allows you to see what needs to change deep within you.

This Essence smoothes the way for transformation as the heart opens, bringing clarity and helping you to see your path more clearly, whilst feeling your truth more deeply. It is a simple Essence, full of Simplicity, full of Love and full of Peace.

Allow your heart to open to the simple Inner Peace that you carry at the core of your being. This element of Peace, is also the Peace at the very centre of the Universe, the Peace that we all seek on an inner level. You are connected to the core of the Universe. You are the core of the Universe and the Heart Peace at the heart of the Universe is you. Therefore, as you take this Essence, the Heart of the Universe opens within you and the Light of forever shines through you.

Shine on, you crazy diamond.

With Love and Blessings.
