emeraldheartlight.comDavid Ashworth has just released the latest Guidance for the period June 2013 entitled ‘Dichotomy’.

Once again an essential ‘must read’ from David, written from the depths of his heart to illuminate your own heart with Light.

What has the Universe got in store for us this Period? 


What am I talking about?

Well, when it’s time for the Guidance of the Period to come through, the Guides often begin with one word, and this period, the word is Dichotomy. At the same time, Guidance pours into me visions and feelings of what is happening right now in the Universe. What is the Universal Consciousness thinking and doing and what is it offering us right now?

I’ve been waiting for a couple of weeks for the Guidance. I’ve been feeling it pushing towards me, but it’s only just arrived and the timing is just before the summer solstice, to that is great, too.


What is a dichotomy? Well, it is a contrast between one thing and another, perhaps a duality or polarity. We can even say that it is the difference between illusion and truth, something so completely opposite as to seem unreal. But why does the Guidance offer this image to us at this time? The answer is this.

Things are quite often not what they seem. In fact they can be the complete opposite. And in fact, that is what they are right now for a great part of humanity on planet earth.

Since we passed into this New Era after the end period of December 2012, the acceleration of the Universe has been unrelenting and quite incredible. There is so much to tell, that it would far exceed the space needed to write this guidance, but as a snapshot into reality, as opposed to illusion, this is what has been happening, and is continuing to happen.

Universal Shifts and Consciousness Changes

There has been a constant acceleration of Universal Consciousness since December, this in itself is forcing massive change onto humanity. It is waking up the great minds of the now and the future and it is feeding a richness of imagination into those who are full of light and seeking even more light.

The power of change is unstoppable and incredible, but the dichotomy is that as the consciousness of God or the Universe changes, and reflects this change into the lives of humans, the humans respond by going into Fear of Change. This is a natural process for all but those who have walked the path for a long time, or in a deeply connected way, and know how to overcome the fear aspects that rise within and facilitate them outwardly, and that’s not always easy, even for the initiated.

The Universe is changing the image of reality within us every second, but our slow energy systems, in comparison to the speed of consciousness, limits our ability to perceive the subtle changes. At the same time, the sub-conscious, or ego-defined self, feels the universal changes and creates with you ‘Resistance to Change.’ The ego-self desires nothing more than stability and none-change. It desires that each day when you get up in the morning, the world is more or less the same as before and in this way, the ego finds security in the status quo.


A Second Transformational Layer of Consciousness Emerges

If I go back in time a little, I noted a kind of two pronged shift in the Universe. It was a couple of years ago, if memory serves me well. At this present moment, I am seeing and feeling the same thing happening again, and with this type of phenomenon comes massive opportunities to really shift your life into a new gear.

The first stream of Universal Consciousness that came in as we passed December last year was what I might describe as an Illuminator as the sudden acceleration brings so much light into you that you have no choice other that to become illuminated by the light of opportunity.

This first layer, rather than morphing into something different as Universal Consciousness progresses, is actually continuing to accelerate and illuminate as strongly as it has done for the past six months. The driving force within it is incredible.

However, there is a second stream of consciousness that has emerged during the past month and guidance has been waiting for me to perceive this clearly before bringing forth the full Guidance for this Period.

This second stream is bursting with love, joy and amazing opportunities, but in order to capitalise on this wave, you have to step out of your comfort zone and take a chance. You have to trust that the Universe is working for you and trying to show you a new way to approach life. This second wave, is absolutely full of gifts. It is like the Universe can’t give you enough. It is opening its arms and showering you in gifts. The trick is being able to see and perceive them, and act immediately upon the impulses as they come.

Dichotomy II – Humanity is in Fear and Panic

On the surface of our everyday world, many, many people are in turmoil as the changing Universal Consciousness brings upheaval to all the illusions, which are dark or not of the truth. This is the age of truth that we are entering and so nothing can move forward that is not full of light and where the truth is transparent. There will be massive forces at play to maintain the status quo in government and societal structures, but it cannot hold and people will awaken to the darkness of this world, one at a time, and sometimes, in groups. They will find the light of the current phase will bring courage to help them to step out of old world patterns, and create a new humanity, where freedom and truth are the norm, rather than everyone being controlled by fear and ignorance.

How does this image relate to our everyday reality?

How may people are in fear for their jobs and income? How many people are desperate to find work? All of humanity seeks a couple of fundamental things, the first is food and shelter and the second is peace and the second usually comes as a result of the first.

There is great peace to be found in the world, even in the darkest and most violent of places.

DOCHOTOMY III – The Peace is in Your Heart

Sit with me.

Sit beneath this tree,

Feel the Light above me

Feel the Light within me. 

Feel the Light with you,

As you sit with me,

As you sit beneath this tree. 

And you will feel the peace

From my heart.

As it opens the peace,

In your heart. 

For I am full of peace within.

And so are you.


            David Ashworth, 13th June 2013



Creating Peace

The God-consciousness is a Creator – that’s all He does. He creates!

The Earth Mother is a Creator – that’s all she does. She creates!

The Light of Heaven pours into your Crown Chakra and the Energy of the Earth Mother pumps into your Base Chakra. These two forces fill you with creativity, constantly. They fill you with Light and Power. They fill you with Love and Energy, and at the same time, they remain neutral. They merely fill you with opportunity and then allow you to choose what you do with it.

You have the choice to be Creator or Destroyer with the power of the Universe and the Earth Mother at your finger tips, feeding you, constantly. What is your choice? What do you choose to do with your life? What do you choose to do with your choices? What do you choose in this moment?

Yes, we have all made mistakes and done things that we are not proud of, and indeed, done things that we may be ashamed of, but in each second comes an opportunity to change your life; to change your choices and to change the outcome or the reflection of the Universal Consciousness that pours into your life. For, as you sow, so shall you reap.

When you so love, so you will reap love. As you sow sharing, so you reap sharing. As you sow Light, so you will reap more Light. As you give, so more will come to you. It is all in The Law of Reflection and seeing this Law in Action, in every moment of every day, is a wonderful experience. It is my joy to share the gifts of Light with you, so that you can also learn how to see and perceive the power of the Universe pouring through you.

So, peace is with us at all times, we merely have to still the mind and open the heart and the peace will flood your senses. It will bathe you in its beauty. It will fill you with its Light.

When you are in the midst of inner peace, then the fear melts away.

When we lose a job or our income, for sure, in the world we have created, there is fear and insecurity. There can even be hardship, but there doesn’t have to be, but it will take time to change the world we have created, through the creation of one that is full of love and caring. You may look at what has been created and think that it is impossible to change it, as the picture is too big. This is a natural and understanding principle from your limited human perception. But, from where we sit, looking down and within you, it is a real possibility and it could happen very quickly, but the reality would be a kind of chaos of change as nobody really knows the rules and laws of how the Universe thinks. Therefore, we would not wish to disturb your lives with such a sudden change all around, but what we do, as Universal Consciousness, is offer you the opportunity each day to take a massive step forward to changing your own, individual world.

There is a line in a Bobby Womack song: I like to help a man when he’s down, but I can’t help him when he’s sleeping on the ground.  This could be The Emerald Heart Light singing to humanity. It can help you, but if you are asleep and you don’t take any action, then nothing can happen. The Light is here to help uplift and empower people with truth and vision.

The Light and Energy pouring forth at this very moment is so full of opportunity that you might not be able to see it, and that is because you can’t see how God thinks. Humans think like humans and God thinks like God, and that is why the Universe unfolds quite smoothly, the sun goes round the earth each day, the moon runs it’s 28 day cycle and the seasons come and go, even though there is much change to observe in these changing times. Humans think like humans, and look at the mess they are making of life on earth. Life on Mars, might be a better option. We jest with you, of course.

It takes a number of inner qualities to learn to think like God and have the ability to see how the God-consciousness works in every situation that you might consider is negative. The qualities are courage and trust in the Universe.

There is No Negativity – Only Misperception of Truth

There is no such thing as a negative situation, it is only the way you view it that is limiting.

Example I: A student recently wished to move house. She had worked incredibly hard on herself these past three years with our help and guidance. She has kept herself up to speed by taking The Essence of each Period. She had done everything we indicated to her, that might help her life move forwards. She really is learning to follow her heart in life. Her next step was to move to the countryside of North Wales, which would be a dream come true, we might say. She put her house up for sale and the agent brought round some prospective purchasers to view the house, whilst she was at work. The agent then phoned with the distressing news that, as he and his clients arrived at the house, the front door had been smashed in with a rock and the house ransacked by burglars. Of course, this put off the potential buyers and ensured that the house move was crushed.

Example II: You might think that this was a terribly negative situation for the Universe to reward her in such a way for the great work she had done on herself. She called me and we looked into it, and it transpired that the Universe was preventing her making a big mistake in moving. It stopped her in her tracks until she dealt with a situation that was seriously undermining her life on another level, and if she moved, might even jeopardise her future happiness in the new house. It might even mean that she lost the new house. This perceived catastrophic event of the violence in which the burglars had smashed their way in, brought everything into focus that needed to change, and once this issue is addressed to the satisfaction of the universe, then she will be allowed to move forward. The Universe is helping her to clear the obstacles to happiness from her path.

Example III: Another student wanted a loan from the bank to begin a new business. The banks, as we know, don’t play the game as we would like it to be played. They messed him about and would not commit and a deadline was drawing close for him to make his investment. Whilst speaking with a different bank on another matter one day, they suddenly offered him a loan, out of the blue. Some weeks before, he had also asked this bank for a loan and they had quoted him an alarming interest rate of 20%, which was unworkable. An appointment was made, but there were conditions that entailed additional charges, but at least it was a workable figure. He turned up for the appointment and the business manager had not honoured the date. The local branch staff were embarrassed and apologetic. The student had two options. He could get angry or say to himself, what is the lesson in this from the Universe? The manager came out and took the student into an office and asked for the details. She was not empowered to open a business account for him, but instead opened a new personal account and within 15 minutes the money was in his account, without any of the special conditions. The following day was his deadline. The universe unfolded everything, in universal time, which is frequently, just in time, as the way we view it.

Example IV: Students on the Emerald Heart path frequently face what seem to be difficult situations as the Universe teaches them how it thinks and moves. It can take time to see the truth of a situation when you are in the midst of a personal transformation. It might appear that suddenly in your life, lots of things are going wrong. Or is it that the Universe is trying to stop you moving in a direction that is not the best for you? Can it be that the Universe is trying to guide you down your chosen life path, whilst you are actually trying to go down a different one?

Certainly, this is the case sometimes, but we have to be very careful in the choices we make and just feel for the truth of them. As humans, we often act from our emotions, rather than the truth in our hearts. We act from our mind, rather than from the truth in our hearts. It does take time to become awakened at a heart level and the way we do this is one, simple, step at a time, and the Essence of the Period is one of these helpful processes.

As you work hard upon yourselves, in a determined and focused manner, then the Universe always reflects that effort to you. If you suddenly find yourself going through what seems to be very difficult personal issues, then this is the Universe helping you, by bringing them into your life so that you can see them, acknowledge them and work to dissolve them.

As Emerald Heart Hosts and Practitioners work with their students and clients, the Light pours through them and as they serve the Light to others, the Light serves them in return, often bringing to the surface the things that need to change.

There are may layers to The Emerald Heart Light and also the people who work with it. Great changes are happening on a daily basis to the lives of these people, and as we all learn to ride the Wave of Time with the Light within us, suddenly, you realise how much your life has changed. Suddenly, you notice how much your focus has changed, and occasionally, you get a glimpse of a greater future ahead.

Example V:  Recently, there was a meeting of The Council of Elders of The Emerald Heart. Those at the core of bringing this magnificent Light into our world. Not many know of this level of attainment within the working structure of The Emerald Heart, as the positions can only be held via invitation, and this comes to you as your heart opens to a certain level whereby the Light can be poured into you to further your spiritual development. The position is also based upon the work that you have done upon yourself in this lifetime. The council members are fully immersed in the Light of the Emerald Heart, flooded with it; they live and breathe it, and they pour it into the world. The Guidance called for this coming together of hearts, and those concerned travelled from a number of countries, some for hundreds of miles and others for thousands of miles, to answer this call, for just one day. That is commitment and dedication to the Light, which is honoured and rewarded through the Law of Reflection. They had a choice. They could have said that this was ridiculous to travel such long and expensive journeys to attend for just one day, but as their hearts are fully aflame with the Light, they knew that there was no choice. Their hearts responded to the call of the Guidance and they flew quickly into the arms of the Light.

By the following morning, everyone was on their way back to the airports, but already the Universe was honouring this coming together of hearts. The Guidance spoke of ancient things, and illuminated the hearts of each carrier of Light, with the knowledge that they were not alone, and that they were a part of something greater. Something ancient, a brotherhood of carriers of Light, who had borne the flame of the Universe, as a Light to guide others. A brotherhood, supported by the elect of the great masters, who watch over them. For myself, I felt it strongly, as their hearts were opened through mine and the Light began to flow ever deeper into them. It is the beginning of a great transformation for them, and also for myself. It is but another small step on the path, but also the beginning of a new chapter in the history of earth. It is also, just the beginning of a new day.

The dichotomy is that only those with advanced sight, can see the truth of it. There is great humour in that saying, ‘I have seen the Light,’ for the only people who can understand you when you say this, are those who have seen it, for it is impossible for others to comprehend what it is like. An astronaut can tell you what it is like to fly around the moon, to be in the deep, darkness of space and see the beauty of the glowing earth below, and many have had supreme experiences after seeing such a sight, but unless you are the one experiencing it, then it is truly impossible to share the magnificence of that experience, other than in words, or maybe even pictures, which are so limited compared with the real event.

As you read these words, new portals of Light are emerging in our world. New carriers of Light are joining with others everywhere and hearts are being illuminted by the Light of whatever it is that we refer to as God.

The truth is in the heart, and only a heart that is illuminated with Light will experience that truth, both in oneself and in others.

SUMMARY:  The Dichotomy of our Time, in a Nutshell

What we bring to you today is the truth that right at this very moment, the Universe is pouring forth so much Light, so many opportunities, so much good fortune, that only fools can fail to see and appreciate it. However, the world is full of fools, or those who sleep on the ground, while the Light wishes to help a man, when he’s down. We are all down. We are all down here on earth and not up in the ethers of another reality, but we have the opportunity to bring that other reality down here. We have the opportunity to live the life of Heaven on Earth.

Yet the fear and uncertainty in your world is only made up of waves of the Collective Consciousness, which is of your own creation. One person tells another person something that generates fear in them, this person then passes it on, and before you know it, the whole world is speaking in fear. You can allow yourself to drink in this energy and allow yourselves to be submerged in this sea of degradation, or you can choose another path.

Yes, everyone will tell you a gloomy tale. Yes, for sure, there is madness and mayhem everywhere because the world is going through the cauldron of change and transformation, and this will continue for a long time as the old forces try to prevent this change and transformation.

But, you don’t have to be a part of that old, collective consciousness. You can take steps to change your life and open it to the magnificent opportunities that are pouring forth right now.

There are many individuals who walk a different path; who connect with nature, who reach out for help and guidance; who enter into their own ritual; who say a prayer when it suits them, and they have little fear, for they know that they are guided and that it will be difficult to make a mistake, for the Universe will help them and block their mistakes.

You can dwell in the ocean of fear, or you can climb into a heart full of Light.

The Dichotomy of today, right at this moment, is that whilst some are the victims of the collective mind and consider that they are subjugated by these illusory pressures, others are the victors of the Light and Peace within themselves and move forward as creators. The choice is yours.

With my Deepest Love and Blessings.


Light of My Heart 

My heart is pouring with The Light of The Emerald Heart. It was given to me as a reflection of my dedication to bring love and healing to our world and our brothers and sisters.

I have gone through many transformations, and there is another that I am within the midst of now, and I feel the power of the Light filling me again and lifting me to a new level. As the Light fills me, it spills into the hearts of those who are close, who work with the Light. There are the Emerald Heart Hosts of Gatherings, the Essence Practitioners, The Program Practitioners and The Council of Elders. There are also the Friends of The Emerald Heart, who also help to bring this Light into the world. You also now have the opportunity to bring the Light into the world through this Essence of the Period.

Light does not just come here by itself. It is born through those who have been chosen for a mission to bring it here. There is the original seed or channel through which the Light is poured into our reality and then the Light begins to call to those others who are ready to receive it and play their part in carrying Light into our world.

At this time, as the Light pours through me, I feel that it wishes to touch many people even deeper than before. It is growing, enhancing and becoming fuller in its capacity to enlighten the Carriers of Light.

In this period, I am being asked by Guidance to allow my heart to be used to fill the essence with Light of my Heart, so perhaps you can feel some of the glory of carrying such a light.

What does this Period and the Essence Mean for Us?

The essence presented here, will bring a deeper illumination to your heart and help you to see things differently. To see the other side of each dichotomy. To perceive the reality on the other side of each situation that you may perceive to be unhelpful to your life.

The essence will fill you with the ‘Light of my own Heart.’ The same Light that has unlocked the journey of many thousands of people, since my awakening almost 20 years ago. With this Light, you may perceive some of the deeper truths in your heart and in the process of taking this essence over a 4 week period, bring some element of permanent change, expansion and evolution to your heart.

I wish you a great journey into Light.

With Love and Blessings.


Essence of the Period – Light of My Heart                                                                                         

Keynote: Joining Your Heart to the Heart of the Earth Mother

Light of My Heart joins your heart to the heart of the Earth Mother. This is an Emerald Heart Essence, which triggers an Evolutionary Process called Heart-to-Heart.

This essence carries the Light of the God-consciousness as it passes through my own Heart. It is the Light of the Heart of God, which is being poured through me and into the Heart of our Mother. It is then also the reflection of the Mother’s ‘Heart of Love’ as she feels the pulse of love and life that we bring to her.

God, the masculine aspect, the Father, is attempting to bring the kiss of life to Mother Earth, but the only way he can do it is through those humans who care enough to be a part of it.  Our own hearts are the link between Heaven and Earth. This Heart-to-Heart process connects the Light of the Heart of God, the Universal Consciousness into the Heart of the Earth Mother, but only by passing it through the hearts of the servants and messengers of Light first. Those of you who take this essence, will be the instruments and saviours of our world; our Goddess the Earth.

There have been saviours before and you know of whom I speak True saviours give everything, even their own lives for the glory of the bigger picture, when it is necessary. They have no fear as they know there is no death, only continuity, although, in human form, then do feel pain. That bigger picture, is the re-unification of human consciousness with that of the greater God-consciousness. Now is the time for you to see the opportunity that is being placed before you.

This is such an important essence that it can be used any time to enable you to bring God through your own heart and into the heart of your Mother, both the physical Mother who bore you into your journey through this world and the Earth Mother, she who is the life-giver of everything that grows, lives and prospers upon her flesh.

Join the Universe and become a greater part of what is unfolding in this amazing time of acceleration. Be of service to the Earth Mother in her hour of need. The choice is always yours. Humanity has a habit of shirking personal responsibility; of constantly thinking that somebody else will do it, or that you on your own won’t make a difference, but that is never the case. I lay before you a feast for the future, the Light of My Heart in a bottle that will stand you firmly between Heaven and Earth, your heart connecting you heart-to-heart with your Father and Mother.