An Emerald Heart Christmas Message by Rosa Hultman

The holiday of Christmas is closing in and together with millions I am planning to celebrate the memory of the birth of baby Jesus through exchanging gifts with loved ones. We will be decorating the Christmas tree with glimmering electric stars and put our wrapped gifts under its branches, but to me this Christmas will be different from before because of how my work with the Light of the Emerald Heart has opened up my heart and consciousness.

Working with the Light of the Emerald Heart has made ready an inner manger in my heart and consciousness to behold the infinite baby Christ. So this Christmas I will prepare for the baby Christ by decorating a Christmas tree of universal love.

I will decorate the Christmas tree with stars containing humility and gratitude…

Under its branches I will put gifts of calmness, forgiveness, service, kindness, spiritual understanding and devotion…

I will wrap the gifts in my golden good will and bind them with the silver cord of my pure sincerity.

This morning in a vision He showed me that He only accepts the gifts of sacred soul-dreams. His acceptance of your sincere and sacred gift of the soul will be His greatest gift to you; for if He gives anything to anyone He gives nothing but Himself, and in giving Himself, He will make your heart big enough to hold Him; then your heart will throb with Christ in everything.    

May you have a very merry Christmas, and may you receive the greatest gift that anyone can wish for you – the perception of the Christ spirit in your own heart.

May you feel His presence on Christmas Day and every day throughout the new year.

Open your heart to this wonderful Christmas gift.

Allow the Light of the Emerald Heart to prepare a manger within your heart for the Christ to be born.

Let us rejoice and give thanks for this wonderful gift of Light.

I bless you with the Light of the Emerald Heart and with the Light of my heart.

Rosa Hultman – Elder of The Emerald Heart