timdyson[1]Emerald Heart Elder Tim Dyson, comments on the fear based view of the mass media and stresses that the good news that isn’t presented, far outweighs the massively reported, sensationalist bad news.

The innate goodness of most people and the little things that we take for granted should not be overlooked in our world view.

As Tim explains, goodness is always there and you don’t have to look too hard to find it.


My Place in the World

Mostly, I tend to not watch or read too much news as it is largely very depressing and from a completely biased and slanted perspective.  It just reminds me of how dark a place the world is and how those with the power love to use it to control and keep everyone else down.  When I watch the news now or read a paper it reminds me of those feelings. The injustice of it all. The sense of powerlessness to change something terrible happening right then and there in some part of the world. Over the years I have learned to read about it or watch it with a certain amount of detachment, as I can’t bear to feel the full awfulness of it. It can knock me so off balance that I simply can’t afford to let the feelings in. I simply try my best to get on with bringing a little bit more light into the world through the work I do with the Emerald Heart. I absolutely know it brings real and lasting benefit and change to those whose lives it touches.

Sometimes though, I can’t help but connect with how dark the world is and everything I do just feels like such a drop in the ocean. It is difficult when I feel this to see the good that there is in the world, but it is there, I know it is. I see it in the pleasant little exchanges that we have in queues, with the person on the checkout counter, with the old lady you end up talking to on the bus. I see it in the nature as I walk in it and look at its beauty and marvel at the intelligence of how it all works. I see it in little acts of kindness between human beings. In the courage of individuals to stand up for what is right. To expose the truth in dark places no matter the personal cost to themselves.  These things inspire me and remind me that many of us in our own ways are working for a better world to live in. Whether we are activists working to protect and organise the poor and downtrodden or whether we are healers or spiritual workers using our skills and knowledge to bring help and guidance to those in need, we are on the side of good. Yes, we have our own darkness and issues to work through, but we are all in our own ways working to uplift and inspire humanity. 

Sometimes, it seems that those in control have so much power at their disposal we can never change things, but the truth is that we do all of the time.  What we do, what we contribute, what we bring to the table is important and it does make a difference.  We could say that most of human existence has been a battle between different forces.  Between the urge to own, control and suppress others on the one side and the urge to be free and to have self respect and real meaning in our lives on the other.  Us humans, for the most part, we handle power badly.  When we have it we tend not to use it wisely but instead use it to shore up our fears and insecurities by oppressing others.  It is not just the rich and powerful that do this; we all tend to in various ways.  Men over women, women over other women, it is never ending because we won’t deal with the fears and issues inside of ourselves.  One of the reasons I stepped away from the world of political activism that consumed my youth was because I felt how I needed to address my own issues. To take responsibility for them and to work through them rather than simply blaming the elites for all of my own shortcomings.  My good fortune was in finding powerful and wise teachers to help me on this journey and it really has felt like a journey.  From the angry teenager to the activist, to the spiritual teacher. It has not been an easy journey and it is far from over, but I do feel that I am in the right place to equip me for it.  The Emerald Heart is my spiritual home and from there I approach the world with all it contains, the darkness and the Light and I try to make my small mark upon it in the best way that I can.


Tim Dyson

Elder of The Emerald Heart