Yvonne HrdyYvonne Hrdy, Elder of the Emerald Heart School of Enlightenment, gives us her take on the winter season.

Do you usually feel SAD this time of year?  … well Yvonne has some tips for you.


Winter Season = Winter Depression? – How Emerald Heart Essences can help you

Here in the northern hemisphere another year is coming to completion as we are heading towards the winter solstice. The trees are still wearing the leftovers of their colourful garbs, but the days are getting shorter and shorter and some days are just presenting the whole range of shades of grey without any sunlight.

Personally I like this time of the year: the time of contraction, where nature comes to a rest to revitalize.  We have time to bring things to completion, there is time to contemplate on the achievements and learnings from the past year and set the course for the new year which for me starts already with the winter solstice when the days start to become longer again.

Especially this year I can already feel quite strongly the energies of the new year coming in. There is a buzz and a sense of excitement and activity in the air, and the energies of the old and new year seem to be more intermingled than ever before.

However, many people suffer during this time of the year, when the light fades away. Not many have re-learnt yet to live in alignment with their own rhythm and the rhythms of nature. Many seem to be trapped in the madness of commercialism which seems to be at its peak before Christmas. Many seem to be even more disconnected from their heart during that time of the year. And many simply are afraid to become silent as nature does and go within, as they are afraid of their own darkness and fears.

Vibrational Essences for your Self-Empowerment: The Extreme Essence range by David Ashworth

An easy way to brighten your days and continuously release and dissolve the darkness within is the use of a specific range of Emerald Heart Essences:  the Extreme Essences created by David Ashworth. These bottles of high vibrational essences are pure liquid light and have the ability to touch emotions at a depth that goes beyond everything I had ever experienced before I discovered them some years ago. They bring about lasting change from deep within and can be used on a daily basis by everyone.

Within this range you find 5 Essences of the category Negative Neutralizers which help to unburden you from emotions such as anger, despair, fear, hate and sorrow. And, my favourite ones, 5 Essences of the category Positive Enhancers which encompass the emotions courage, happiness, hope, joy and love and will help you to amplify the energy of these emotions in your being. You don’t necessarily have to feel down or depressed to use a Positive Enhancer to benefit from their magic.

For a full and really interesting read about these essences please click here: http://www.extreme-essences.co.uk/. You can purchase the essences directly through the ‘Buy’ buttons or from any Emerald Heart Practitioner in your country: http://www.emerald-heart.com/practlist.php.

If you are unsure which essence(s) would help you most, please contact a Practitioner. We will be able to help you. Personally I always hold the full range of Extreme Essences in stock. And if you care to spoil yourself or your loved ones with a special Christmas gift this year, these are truly a great investment!

I wish you a joyful winter season and send you my Blessings and Love.

Yvonne Hrdy Munich, Germany
Elder of the Emerald Heart School of Enlightenment