Yvonne HrdyElder, Yvonne Hrdy, shares with the Blog more about the amazing 13 Moons of Transformation Online Course.

This powerful, transformative, yet simple course is for everyone, novice and expert. Even if you have a busy lifestyle this course is for you.

13 Moons of Transformation – New distant online course starting March 2015

An amazing Spiritual Journey to unlock the Beauty of your Heart

04 13 Moons Looping original

For translation in German click here:


The following poem of Hafiz, one of my favorite poets, found its way to me a few days ago, on a beautiful full moon evening:

The moon came to me last night…she said: “The sun has been my faithful lover for millions of years. Whenever I offer my body to him, brilliant light pours from his heart. Thousands then notice my happiness and delight in pointing toward my beauty.”  ~Hafiz

The mystic Sufi poets knew how to touch the heart and that the mysteries and beauty of life and God can only be experienced through the heart. In fact all of us are here to unlock the beauty of our hearts and let the Divine Consciousness that we are shine into this world. If we allow this to happen we will constantly raise our vibration and uplift and empower each other on this Divine Journey into Oneness. Some call it Spiritual Evolution, some call it Spiritual Transformation, Spiritual Enlightenment or Realizing your True Self.  It doesn’t matter, it is just words.

This true deep longing to unlock your true potential

Maybe you feel this true, deep longing as well? The longing to discover the deeper beauty of your heart? The longing to unlock your true potential and live an authentic, truthful life from the heart, a life of love and joy, instead of simply trying to survive? 

If this is the case then we offer you a most simple but incredibly powerful way to do this through our new 13 Moons of Transformation Online Course.  This starts on the New Moon of the Spring Equinox on March, 20th.

Supported by the gentle feminine power of the moon cycle, you will receive a vibrational Essence of Liquid Light with each New Moon (13 in total), accompanied by a monthly target and further Guidance and Teachings on how to unlock your potential and true gifts and overcome the fears and patterns that prevent you from living the life you came here to have.

Even if you lead a busy life this course is for you

No extensive, time consuming spiritual practices, no travelling, no expensive costs. For only around the cost of a cup of coffee per day, through your daily intake of your Emerald Heart Essence over 13 moon cycles you will bathe in the Light of the Emerald Heart.  This Light will penetrate the deeper aspects of your consciousness, dissolve the darkness – like old energies and fears – that limit you and open your heart at a deeper level. Your vibration will rise continuously and you will begin to see the deeper truth of your life. You will also have the opportunity to partake in regular New Moon meditations and quarterly Light Transmissions from wherever you are located.

The only thing you need is the intent to overcome your limitations and trust the feelings of your heart (your mind cannot resolve the question whether to participate or not, it will only trick you into all kinds of inner struggle and excuses). You may even feel the Light already in your heart now through some kind of movement, feelings of excitement or just knowing the truth of it?

You will benefit from this course whether you are new on the Spiritual Path or to the Emerald Heart, or whether you are an experienced Practitioner in any spiritual field.

This course will only be offered once a year, so do not miss out on this wonderful opportunity.

How to find out more or sign up

Curious? Check out the course details here:  http://emeraldheartlight.com/13-moons-of-transformation/

Should you have further questions you may also want to check out our Gatherings and Events page for introductory events or contact an Elder.

or one of the Elders listed above. If you are already working with an Emerald Heart Practitioner, please sign up with them.

With Blessings and Love,

Yvonne Hrdy

In the name of David Ashworth and the Elders of the Emerald Heart