Last chance to join the 13 Moons of Transformation

365 Days of bathing in the Emerald Heart Light

This coming Saturday the 28th of February is the last opportunity to sign up for the brand new online course ‘13 Moons of Transformation’. From Sunday onwards, the Universe will start preparing all participants energetically, so you will be ready by the next New Moon (20th of March) to start your transformational journey.

04 13 Moons Looping original

When David Ashworth, the original channel of the Emerald Heart Light, shared that his Guidance had given him a new course for busy people, my heart jumped. A distance course for those who have busy lives is so fitting for this era! Many busy people want to work on self-transformation, but simply lack time to do decent trainings, let alone writing or practising assignments at home. The 13 Moons of Transformation cycle is the perfect answer to their problem.

It couldn’t be easier

In the 13 Moons of Transformation you will bathe 365 days in the Emerald Heart Light. To receive this Light the only thing you will need to do is take three drops of an Emerald Heart essence, three times a day. That’s it – it couldn’t be easier. Each New Moon you will receive 1 High Vibrational Essence of Liquid Light by post (13 in total, which covers the yearly moon cycle). Together with these essences you will receive Teachings and Targets by email. David Ashworth will channel these in the moment. Also, Elder Yvonne Hrdy will support with distance New Moon meditations, free to attend for all participants.

I am really looking forward to starting this one year cycle. The continuous bathing in the Light for 365 days is such an enriching opportunity – I experience The Emerald Heart Light as an extremely supportive power in my life.  Every time I take three drops of essence, I immediately feel the Light responding.  It helps me in letting go of stuff that I no longer need and it also supports me through difficult times – to me the Emerald Heart Light functions like the Perfect Lover J.

A spiritual and experiential journey

David has already received Guidance about the first months of the 13 Moons of Transformation. The first New Moon (the 20th of March, also the Equinox) will be the start of Inner Cleansing, the second will be called Preparation and the third moon will begin to open you at a deeper level. By taking the High Vibrational Essences of Liquid Light that come with these targets, you will enter a spiritual and experiential journey. This one year course will open your heart more and more, and bring you in contact with your deepest longings, life purpose and your true potential. The intake of the 13 Liquid Light essences will raise your vibration considerably, which will inevitably break unhealthy habits and negative patterns.

Even though the start date of the 13 Moons of Transformation course is the 20th of March, you will need to register by the end of February, this coming Saturday. This is to give the Universe time to prepare all participants energetically for the start of their transformational journey.

I am ready to bathe 365 days in the Emerald Heart Light, to have my heart opened at a deeper level and to step more and more in my true potential. Are you ready too?


  • No experience with the Emerald Heart Light is needed. The course is for beginners and adepts alike.
  • Once this year cycle has started, you cannot enter anymore. Do not miss out on this opportunity.
  • The exchange incudes all essences, packages and postings.

Exchange: UK £ 598.00 or the local equivalent.

More information:

How to register: please sign up with the Elder in your country or your own Emerald Heart Practitioner. If you work with David, please sign up with him.

Wishing you a wonderful journey! I look forward to reading your feedback.


Harriët Kroon,

Elder of the Emerald Heart School of Enlightenment