Florence[1]Emerald Heart Elder and Teacher Florence Zumbihl, shares with the Blog how she identified and healed large shifts going on within herself.

These are powerful transformative times we are passing through.

If you read Florences words and recognize similar processes underway within you, don’t suffer in silence… reach out for help.


My Disconnection From The Outer World

We are all going through tough transformations at the moment, each of us in our own personal way. In the last few weeks I could feel the Emerald Heart Light pouring into my Crown Chakra bringing me to the next level of evolution. During the night I couldn’t sleep very well and every night I woke up at the same time. It was always shortly after 5am and I was wide awake. The time between 5am and 7am is related to the meridian of the large intestine, which stands for transformation, change and letting go.

Are you getting messages from your energy system or consciousness?
When you always wake up during the night at about the same time, look at the time and it might be a message from your energetic system or your consciousness.

Fears came up which showed me that I needed help
At the same time I could feel a pressure on my heart and I had a lot of headaches, which sometimes turned into a migraine. I also put on weight, so that my body could hold the intensity of Light. I ate too much, particularly sweets, because my body needed it. Then I started to realize that I had become disconnected with the outer world. I hardly had contact with anyone from the outer world. My clients cancelled their appointments or postponed them. In my private life, it was the same. I also had very unusual fears coming up which clearly showed me that I needed help. The pain in my Heart Chakra as well as in my Throat Chakra and my Crown Chakra became worse. I could feel it was in the Chakra-System and not in my organs.

Is your physical body trying to tell you something?
Our physical bodies show us when something is in disorder or disharmony in our energetic system. So take a moment and feel into your physical body. What do you feel?

The Universal Laws
Within the Emerald Heart we work with the Universal Laws and the First Law of Evolution is:

You cannot walk the path alone.

The Mystic Rumi also tells us this in the saying:

“It will take a hundred years to walk a two day journey without a guide.”

And the Second Law of Evolution is:

Learn to Reach Out for Help.
Where to find out more about the Universal Laws
You find these Laws on the website of David Ashworth, the founder of the Emerald Heart School of Enlightenment: www.davidashworth.com
I Followed the Universal Laws and Reached Out For Help
So I reached out for help and had a consultation with my teacher and mentor Dave. After the session we started a Program to dissolve the fears, which blocked my Heart Chakra, and I have received a Key of Liquid Light, an essence, which I am now taking 3 times a day. Shortly after starting the Program, I felt better and the pain in my heart lessened. The headache has gone and my eating patterns have changed, so that I am losing weight and coming back to a balanced state again.

I am so relieved and grateful
It is really a relief, and I am very grateful that David Ashworth has brought forward these amazing tools we work with within the Emerald Heart.
Where to find out more about Programs
If you are interested to read more about the Programs, you find here an article of my colleague, Harriët Kroon: http://emeraldheartlight.com/2014/07/19/harriet-kroon-earth-links/

Where to reach out for help
Do you feel disconnected or would like to change something? Please contact one of the Emerald Heart Practitioners to support you on your journey: http://www.emerald-heart.com/practlist.php

With Love and Blessings,
Florence Zumbihl