Emerald Heart Elder and Teacher Rosa Hultman, shares with the Blog how she was first introduced to the Emerald Heart Light and the lasting effect that the Light has had on her.

Thanks Rosa.

EHMy Introduction To The Emerald Heart

It is more than seven years since I was first introduced to the Emerald Heart, and for the first time touched by the Light of the Emerald Heart. I was shown an image of a green heart, and without knowing anything of what this was, I stepped into the energy of this path, into the grace that would transform me, the love that would take me home.
What is this Light, this power that does not belong to the world? Why do we need it? What calls us to it and how do we recognize it? There is only one answer to all these questions,

“The Heart knows.”

The energy from the image of the Emerald Heart nourished me, fed the secret hunger that had relentlessly pushed me to find an Emerald Heart Practitioner. In the presence of the green heart something inside me opened and sensed the fragrance of truth.

The Light Works Through The Heart

The Emerald Heart Light works through the heart; this Light of Divine Love can activate our inner organ of higher consciousness. Through the heart we are given the energy we need for the journey towards truth. The people on this path progress through love. As we do not have enough love in us to have sufficient propelling power to dissolve the fears limiting us, love is increased, simply by activating the deeper aspects of the heart, through the use of essences and dissolving of our deepest fears.

Through the Path of Light that flows through the heart of the Emerald Heart practitioner this process of dissolving fears and activating the heart is done.

So my request to you all today is

Order yourself an essence and allow your heart to be activated by the Light of the Emerald Heart,
and you will go on and on where nobody can even imagine…

Please click on this link to find out more about the essences that are currently available:

I bless you with the Light of the Emerald Heart!

Rosa Hultman
Elder of the Emerald Heart School of Enlightenment