Yvonne HrdyElder and Teacher of the Emerald Heart School, Yvonne Hrdy, shares with the Blog an amazing ‘journey’ she had recently and how she is developing new tools of transformation by using the new moon periods as a time of self exploration. 

Maybe you are not who you think you are – a process of awakening your essence

Asking for insights
In the recent New Moon Meditation which I offer every month, I asked to be stripped of what is not me and for help to see what was needed to bring the Light out into the world. I was motivated to do this as in the past weeks I had experienced a little exhaustion around this and hit an inner wall.

The New Moon nights are excellent times for a ‘reset’ as they symbolize the energies of death and rebirth and enable you to come out of the dark with new insights and impulses for the next phase in your evolution.

Following the impulse
The Universe always responds when we ask for further awakening and the next morning I awoke with an impulse to create my first online adverts for my upcoming workshops and so I did. Almost immediately I felt heaviness in my heart and darkness arising.

Facing the inner darkness
It is important in such moments to drop everything and listen to the wisdom of our hearts. I first thought it might be the God Consciousness telling me that I was on the wrong track and I sat down to feel into my heart. I felt darkness arising and allowed myself to sink into this inner darkness, slowly and gently journeying deeper.

Suddenly the words ‘Fear of Strangers’ hit me. Now, that was an unusual one! I am not a shy person; I can approach others easily and blend with people from all walks of life. Most people would call me an extrovert.

Allowing is the key
It sparked my curiosity and I continued my inner journey through layers of fears and let them shift and transform. The key here is allowing. Allowing whatever wants to come to the surface or unfold. We tend to start immediately analyzing what we experience; we judge or evaluate what we perceive; we don’t like certain feelings or images and cut the flow or we go in the opposite direction, trying to force something as we ‘want the answer now’. In order to dive deeper however, all we need to do is stay in this loving, receptive state with ourselves, allow ourselves to sink deeper, very gently, being a neutral, but compassionate observer.

Touching the essence
I was then taken on a most beautiful inner shamanic journey, connecting with other life times where the enlightened ones chose solitude and the pure energy of nature; welcoming spiritual seekers, but not putting themselves out into the world. There was this man, so humble, so shy, radiating so much love that animals would come to see him and be in his presence, birds would land on his shoulder, cats and dogs lie at his feet and the plants in his garden made sounds of music out of pure joy. He welcomed visitors who sought his advice in his very calm and unpretentious manner. I could feel his essence, merging with it, awakening in me, being part of me. A wonderful experience where you can feel the essence of love welling up from the core, rippling through every atom of your being and enhancing the love you carry. I am still integrating this profound experience, transformation is taking place and many things make so much more sense now.

Don’t be afraid of your own darkness because beneath there is always Light, your Light, waiting to come to life!

With my deepest Blessings and Love,

Yvonne Hrdy, Munich, Germany
Elder of the Emerald Heart School of Enlightenment