Tim DysonLynne ShawThe first Emerald Heart Hiking Retreat organised by Emerald Heart Elders, Tim Dyson and Lynne Shaw turned out to be a great success. Tim shares his feelings about the event with the Blog and is planning future events with Lynne.

(We were unable to capture Lynne in action during her ceremonies as everyone was participating. )

Wales 4Emerald Heart Mountain Hiking Retreat in North Wales With Elders Tim and Lynne

When Lynne and myself began putting this project together we envisioned it as a Retreat held in the Light of the Emerald Heart, focused on the physical and energetically transformational aspects of our growth through mindful mountain hiking. The organisation of it flowed so smoothly and effortlessly that all the places were booked before we even had the chance to properly advertise it. A sure sign that we had put created something that people wanted.

We based the Retreat in the sweet, small Welsh town of Harlech with its beautiful sand dunned beach and impressive castle. From there we drove each day into the Rhinog Mountains, a range that run north to south along the west coast, making what geologists term the Harlech Dome and there we had our daily adventure.

We were absolutely blessed by the weather Gods as it was brilliant sunshine all week with people actually getting mild sunburn and us all wearing t-shirts on the summits. For North Wales this is really rather a miracle, as those who have holidayed there, will I am sure, readily attest to!

Wales 6Tim the Mountain Guide
At over 500 million years old, the Rhinogs are by far the oldest mountains in Wales (far older than the main Snowdon range) and are absolutely beautiful, but quite demanding from a hiking point of view.

I have been hiking in these mountains since I was a small child. My father fell in love them as a young man and dragged us there every year. Although I may not have always appreciated it at the time, often wanting to go to a holiday camp such as Butlins, like my classmates, I am very grateful to him now for the great mountain fitness foundation that I acquired. Also for giving me the necessary confidence to lead others in mountains generally and these mountains in particular, as I have a very good knowledge of all the possible routes through them.

Wales 2

Those who attended were a very mixed group in terms of fitness levels and some were actually scared of the prospect of hiking in mountains. It was beautiful to witness this fear falling further away each day and being replaced by confidence, as we watched people go far beyond what they believed was possible. This was all done in a happy and joyous way with the stronger ones helping those who were less confident.

Wales 7Lynne provided us with beautiful singing and chanting sessions as well as deep meditations in powerful and special nature spots. Those who know Lynne will I am sure be aware of how beautiful and powerful her voice is and what a lovely nurturing and powerful relationship she has with the Earth Mother, one she is able to pass on to others very easily and naturally.

Evenings in The Harlech House
Each day we returned in the late afternoon to our lovely, large rented house situated quite literally at the base of Harlech Castle where Sephora, another Emerald Heart Elder, would be waiting to welcome us back with plenty of love as well as snacks and drinks. After a good healthy evening meal we all gathered and shared the experiences of our day. It was wonderful to look at all the glowing faces lit up and full of life and excitement at their accomplishments, as they marvelled at the beauty of what they had experienced. We would finish the day with a meditation to integrate all we had done that day and to prepare us for a well deserved night’s sleep.

Further Retreats
Things went so well we are encouraged to offer at least one but possibly two retreats in the same place next year. The maximum number is 13 in total, so those with any interest in attending should email me at timdyson@talktalk.net so that I can add you to an invite list that I am compiling.

Love & Blessings,

Tim Dyson
Elder of the Emerald Heart School of Enlightenment
London, England