
Emerald Heart Elder Sephora McElroy shares with the Blog a timely reminder of the consequences of losing the focus on who we are.


Awareness Today

Do you, like me, find it hard to stay in balance? It can be such a challenge in these times.

We go so far away from nature and from ourselves, we get disconnected from everything and the outer world is so hectic. It really is a task to stay connected with yourself and to do what you want to do. To find your path and your passion and to follow it.

Not to get too distracted from your daily life is a tough call. To stay connected with yourself and with Spirit is sometimes not so easy. I just experienced it myself. I was doing really well, I found my way to stay in contact with the Universe and myself through Yoga and Meditation and the Emerald Heart. But then on top of my normally busy life, I moved house. I found a wonderful place to live, but it was an incredible amount of work to move. And so I lost my way of looking after myself. I stopped doing Yoga and Meditation and was working 24/7 and getting more and more unbalanced and angry. Finally physical illness followed and my work went downhill too.

My Fall out of Paradise

It was a journey of only a few months from being at the top of everything, to then being in hell. It felt like I had fallen out of Paradise. It was an important message for me to look after myself. That I had to be my number one priority. Nothing else mattered.

Don’t fall out of Paradise as I did. Take care of yourself. Don’t think of everything/one else, but do the things that are good for you and try to balance it with some introspection. Take the time to look into yourself, to sit still and connect with God. In the stillness you will find answers and peace. If you want, you can take an Emerald Heart Essence to deepen your connection to the light. And don’t make the same mistake I did. I know all these things are good for me but I forgot to do them, to help myself.

Gradually I am finding my way back. It’s an everyday task to take care of myself – not to be too lazy or to make other things a priority.

Paradise is in you and nowhere else. So go for it and take care of yourself!

With all my Love and Blessings,

Sephora McElroy
Elder of the Emerald Heart School of Enlightenment
Bensheim, Germany