Emerald Heart

Our FINAL 4-week Focused Formula
PLUS the gift of an Essence Vibration

Celebration of Life-force

A Remote Transmission
with The Emerald Heart Light

Are you ready for expansion?

Would you like to experience the exuberance of your life-force?

Final Focused Formula in this Series

We are at the peak of the year where the sun has reached its highest point in the north and lowest in the southern sky. A time for celebration of the changing seasons and the birth of a new direction.

Stimulate your life-force and experience the expansive exuberance of stepping into life with rejuvenation. Right now is the time to experience your inner light emerging through your heart into a renewed expression of life.

From the 1st of July, we invite you to join with us in this final 4-week Light Transmission with the focus on the Celebration of Your Life-force.

Benefits of this 4 Week Focused Formula:

  • Stimulates your Life-force
  • Grows the love for life within
  • Enhances your expression and joy of life
  • Rejuvenates your inner excitement and passion
  • Uplifts your heart and spirit

How does it work?
This 4 Week Focused Formula of Light flows through all levels of the aura and chakras to help you see new ways of adapting to our changing world. The Light flows directly to where it is needed based on your own Higher Self directing the Light that we provide for you.

The Emerald Heart Light flows to you directly from the Source via the Universal Laws that were given with the Light.

You don’t need to do anything
The Emerald Heart Light is an aspect of the Source and is pure consciousness. Its Universal Intelligence will feel your intention to receive our 4-week Focused Formula, which you set by your exchange.

Once you have registered, the Emerald Heart Light will flow into your heart from the 1st to the 28th July 2021 for 28 days.

OUR GIFT TO YOU (Value £20)
We would like to offer you, at no charge, a ‘transmission’ of The Emerald Heart Light Essence. To obtain this essence vibration you will receive instructions once you have registered. Check your order confirmation email, which has a link to a pdf with details.

Offer Closes on Thursday 1st July 2021

You can book with your preferred Emerald Heart Teacher using the links below.

Tim Dyson

Book with Tim Dyson
 London, UK

Click here to register

Book with Harriët Kroon
Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Click here to register

Book with Alexandra Meyn
Munich, Germany

Click here to register

Book with David Ashworth
North West, UK

Click here to register