Happy New Year once again. It is really starting to feel like the energies of the New Year are lifting up as the Light returns to us in the northern hemisphere. There are even signs of the dawn chorus beginning, which is always a great sign that the natural world is fully in the flow with the local nature developments.

The year has already been very busy and productiver and I have a great feeling about the energies of this year opening up and embracing us.

We are very pleased to share with you two new developments.

Loraine Mitchell is Stepping Up

Many of you will know Loraine, who has been very active in our Circle of Light Community on our private Facebook page since the very beginning. She wasn’t asked to do this, she just got stuck in and did it. This coming Spring Equinox of 2022 will be our third-year anniversary since this Earth Healing project began, and Loraine has offered a huge amount of encouragement, guidance and support to the community during this time. Thank you, Loraine.

Loraine was a trained Emerald Heart Light Practitioner before she joined our Circle of Light project. As we approached the end of last year, the Light asked her would she consider stepping up into a more active and recognised role in supporting and developing our community. I am very pleased to say that she accepted the challenge. Very shortly, she will be sending you an introductory message from herself. Please keep an eye out for this later this week.

I will continue to manage the actual event and flow the Light into your hearts, but the Light has asked me to bring Loraine up in this supporting role because there are other developments in other areas that I am asked to bring forward.

David’s Work

For those of you who don’t really know how I work, the Universe uses me as a Creator. It asks me to create spiritual tools and processes and bring them into the world. Once I have developed and perfected them, I am always asked to step away and hand them over to others to run. It has always been the same. For some reason, I am not allowed to run a project, I can only create it, bring it to fruition and then hand it over. Yet I am still the source of the Light as things continue to flow into the world through those who step up into these supporting roles. I am also still working very much behind the scenes supporting others and developing the support structures for the Light, which will hopefully mean that when I have ‘left the building,’ like Elvis, the Light will continue to flow through the hearts of all those who have opened themselves to carry it into the world.

At this present time, I am being given a new book to write and project to develop and so the Light asked me to pass on the daily running and management of the community to Loraine, which is a lovely reward for her dedication to date.

I am sure that Loraine is going to introduce some new things to our Circle of Light too. I feel that there are new developments to come, so let’s see what happens.

Life Membership Gift

Another great change is also here for us all to celebrate. From now on, all memberships will be free for life. When your membership comes up for renewal, it will be automatically processed as free. Anyone new joining will also be free.

Once again, this is a reward for your dedication. Since the very beginning, almost everyone who joined has remained in the Community and the vast majority have also taken part in most Earth Healing Events. As each event takes place, I can feel the Light working in a different way. In the beginning, it was a tough process from the point of view that the Light was working very hard to open people’s hearts in order to be able to flow through them and into the Earth. That flow is getting easier with each event, which means that:

  • Your hearts open more with each event
  • The Light can flow more easily through the participants
  • More Light flows into the Earth
  • More healing is taking place

This has created a real strength to our Earth Healing Events, which continues to grow, develop and become ever more effective.

As we move into this new year and towards our Spring/Autumn Equinox Earth Healing Event, I would like to thank you all for your amazing and dedicated commitment to bringing Light into our world and Healing to our Earth Mother. I really look forward to continuing to work with you all and I hope that you will show your support for Loraine as she steps into her expanding role of helping to support us all with her enthusiasm and dedication to spiritual teaching and the healing of our Mother Earth.

Thank you for being you!

With Love and Blessings.


Join the Circle of Light

If you would like to share this message with anyone whom you think may be interested in joining our Earth Healing Community, please do. They can join using the Sign-up button below.