Sometimes I look at this blank screen and I have no idea what to write, then something is given but I don’t want to write that thing, but it is always correct, so here goes.

When the Emerald Heart Light was given to me, it was like Jesus had just plugged himself into my consciousness. I began to see how so many things we had been told were not quite right, mistranslated from old books or just plain wrong. As my consciousness began to open up more and more to these new revelations, it was obvious. I was always reminded of the great saying of Arthur Schopenhauer:

  • All truth passes through tree stages.
  • First it is ridiculed,
  • Second it is violently opposed,
  • Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

I began to see Jesus’ connection with the Earth and then how he became fully engaged in the Universal Consciousness, and how some of his teachings were given from the perspective of Universal Consciousness itself. It’s like he didn’t exist as a person, but that he had become the source. There were a couple of really important points that were made. The first was that all his teachings were showing us how we could set ourselves free. That’s all there is to it. The second, is how you actually achieve that, but the third is perhaps the most important for our Earth Healing Events, which is this.

  • Honour thy Father and thy Mother.

This is perhaps the most misunderstood teaching. It is about our position in the Universe and how to become a greater part of it.

Father is Universal Consciousness and Mother is the Earth. It’s not your mum and dad as most people think and the church actually teaches. The church will never understand his teachings because to understand them, you must be filled with the Light of Universal Consciousness. Then you see things differently; you see the truth of what they mean.

In the teachings of the Essenes and the Gnostics as well as Pagan teachings, the Earth is of paramount importance. Why? Because she is a living entity and we all suckle at her breast. She feeds us and gives us shelter. She provides everything that you see in our world. Your cutlery, your bicycle, your car, your clothes, your mobile phone and most importantly your food. Every part comes from elements of Mother Earth.

Unfortunately, the way humanity takes the raw materials, is, for the most part, unwholesome.

Honour thy Mother!

It is simple to honour the Earth. You take a moment to connect with your heart and ask with Reverence and Respect if we may do a certain thing or not. Sometimes we have to perform a ceremony. Sometimes, the answer is yes, without question. The important process is the Reverence and Respect and connecting with your heart. If you don’t learn to use your heart in this world, it will not develop and you will not grow.

Through the actions of taking our time, thinking about what we are doing, honouring the process and honouring the object of our attention, these things open doorways for us. Reverence and Respect opens doorways into the spiritual nature of all things because all things have the essence of living spirit within them.

As we take our time to honour the spirit in everything, it reciprocates and opens to us. We just have to learn the language of Reverence and Respect and then things are given to us.

How do you think I learned to do the things that I can do? How did I learn how to pour Light through your heart and into the Earth? It is because I took the time to listen deeply to the truth in everything. We can all do it, but it takes massive determination to transcend the mundanity of ordinary human consciousness.

But then the beauty of our efforts is rewarded when we see others growing from the seeds of Light that we have sown.

When we engage in our Earth Healing Event, with our Mother, our Circle of Light, then seeds of Light are sown into your heart and you will grow.

With my Deepest Love and Blessings,


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