I was guided this morning to send a few words to everyone at this time of great change. Nothing strong or worrying, but just a little guidance to help you find your own truth within.

Earth Changes

As we know, our Earth Mother is going through great change and upheaval and each year we are witness to her changes.

Mother has changed many times since she was first birthed. Species have come and gone and humans are just another species that is using this space at present.

Once again, as we know, the vast majority of humans don’t realise that Mother Earth is a living being and that we dwell on her as her guests and in her grace. We are all vulnerable to even the smallest changes on this small rock in space.

It may be small, but what a great laboratory for the experiments of life.

Universal Changes

The Universe is also changing constantly, bathing us in vibrations that change by the second. Energies waft through space, sometimes washing over us here or again causing vibrational shifts, such as Sun Flares, the Schumann Resonance, Eclipses and astrological influences.

With live in a living Universe. Just because we don’t see animals or trees on other planets doesn’t mean that they don’t have life or influence the balance of life on our world.

Who Cares?

Who actually cares about our world? Who cares about looking after things here? Who cares about what happens to the people of Earth?

Healers do!

We are all healers at heart, but not all hearts are awake to this work. Caring is healing. If you care about anything you are healing it and helping it to live. Healers bring energy and light into our world and into the lives of others. The healers are the ones who are really awake. But healers also feel the pain of humanity’s difficulties and the struggles of our planet as it tries to stay in balance.

As things go out of balance, then it shows us how fragile balance really is. Try balancing on a ball. No don’t, you might fall off and injure yourself, but you know what I mean.

When the Earth goes out of balance, it affects everything, especially the balance of people’s minds but the scary thing is, they may not even notice it. People with issues that take them out of balance often think it is the others who are out of balance. It is the mirror of something that doesn’t appear to be right because the vibration is different.

Equinox Earth Healing Event

Today begins our Circle of Light World-wide Earth Healing Event, which will run for perhaps ten days or so. As well as wishing everyone a Happy Equinox, I would like to share with you a few sayings of Golden Rabbit, as Spring Equinox in the north is her time.

This is the time that Rabbits truly desire to come out of the burrow and start to nibble the fresh shoots of the life-giving grass.

Teachings of Golden Rabbit

It is always a great gift to help another being find the way.

Embrace your time with all your heart,
for it is shorter than you think.

Look at everything in life with great gratitude, then the creator will know that you care and wish to prosper.

Those rabbits who blindly follow the others have not yet breathed the Promise of Life or even lived a single day. Follow the truth in your heart and you will live.


With Love and Blessings,


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