A 4-week Program bringing you into Harmony with the
Fluctuations of the Universal Vibrations in the moment,
with The Emerald Heart Light

Change brings upheaval

We are in this important time of shifting vibration from the Age of Pisces into the Age of Aquarius, which is the acceleration of the evolution of our Universe. We are blessed to be living in such an amazing time, but all the same, change brings upheaval.

Everything on earth happens as a result of the ever-changing Wave of Time. The Wave of Time is a flow of energy and light that affects every single second of your life. It influences every atom of your being as it washes through you. When you are in harmony with The Wave of Time, your life unfolds with much greater ease than when it isn’t.

Aligning with the changes

As the Universe evolves and changes, we have no choice other than to do the same. The pressure of these vibrational waves attempts to raise our vibration by first stimulating our subtle bodies, the aura and chakras move to a higher rate of vibration. However, the density of our physical structures struggle to adapt and rise at the same speed. This causes stress in the system and we may even feel at times like we have been left behind.

As The Wave of Time unfolds, this also has an effect on our natural environment. In turn, these effects may also influence your sensitivities. The following examples are well-recognised for affecting our energy systems and causing imbalance or overwhelm:

  • Moon phases
  • Earth quakes
  • Ley Line activities
  • Eclipses
  • Mercury in retrograde
  • Sun flares
  • Volcanic eruptions
  • Schumann resonance
  • Portal days
  • Other astrological influences

Pushed to your limits

On a daily basis, our aura needs to adjust to the changing vibrations surrounding us, helping our physical vessel to cope. Sometimes these shifting vibrations push us to our limits. We may then experience symptoms leading to tension and stress, such as:

  • Anxiety
  • Sleep disturbances
  • Headaches
  • Nausea
  • Mood swings
  • Fear
  • Equilibrium problems
  • Dizziness
  • Irritability
  • Overwhelm
Wouldn’t it be great if we could


ride the Wave of Time with more ease?


Our 4-week Evolutionary Alignment Program can help with experiencing:

More harmony and balance

More calm and inner tranquility

More trust in the flow of life

For your needs in the moment

Of course, we cannot predict what will happen on earth, but the intelligence of The Source knows. The Emerald Heart Light comes from The Source. The intelligent nature of it knows exactly what you need in the moment, helping to bring greater harmony, peace and ability to cope with life.

This Evolutionary Alignment Program helps you to be in alignment and harmony with all that is unfolding around us.

If you would like to ride the Wave of Time with more ease, we recommend our Evolutionary Alignment Program to you.

Nobody knows what is coming next, but you can prepare with
The Emerald Heart Light.

How does it work?

The Emerald Heart Light flows to you directly from The Source through the Universal Laws that were given with the Light.

From the Start Date onward, the Emerald Heart Light will flow directly into your heart for 4 weeks. Your Higher Self in the heart then distributes the Light throughout your being over a period of around 8 weeks, adjusting to the individual needs of your vessel in the moment.

  • Light pours into your heart for 4 weeks
  • Unfolds within you for 8 weeks
  • Harmonises your energy system with the Universal vibration in the moment
  • Investment £111.11 = (£1.98 per day) / €135 euro (€2,41 per day), less than the price of a hot beverage
  • Start date: 1st of May


(Value 20GBP)

We would like to offer you, at no charge, a transmission of The Emerald Heart Light Essence.

This vibration will enrich the love and support from The Emerald Heart Light. To obtain this essence vibration, you will receive instructions once you have registered. Check your order confirmation email, which has a link to a PDF with details.

Register with David Ashworth

Register with Tim Dyson

Register with Harriët Kroon

Register with Alexandra Meyn