Entering Relaxation

A Remote Transmission
with The Emerald Heart Light
Starting on the 17th July

PLUS a Gift of an Essence Vibration

At this time, the Emerald Heart Light is offering us this Focused Formula called Entering Relaxation. It is always fascinating to discover why the Light brings forth a certain focus and why. At present, the Solstice is just behind us, and in both the northern and southern hemispheres we are experiencing different energies.

The Northern Hemisphere

In the northern hemisphere the yang energies are still strong and pushing for the time being. It is the fire energy of summer which is expansive and outwardly focused. It is holiday season where many people seek to get away and relax somewhere nurturing in nature. In the wilderness, the hills or on the coast near the sea. We have just had many months of rising creative energy and we are peaking at solstice and preparing to rest as we drift down the other side of the hill towards autumn equinox.

The Southern Hemisphere

In the southern hemisphere, it’s the winter and where everyone goes into the yin phase of the year and maintaining the hibernation scenario. Maintaining the resting and relaxing phase to become strong for the new season to come at spring equinox. The leaves have long gone but the buds are already present for the growth of next season. But all needs to stand still and drink in the nurturing yin phase of the seasons.

Both hemispheres are reaching towards rest and relaxation but for different reasons and this Focused Formula has been given for us to gain the maximum benefit from deep, inner relaxation and the ability to Enter Relaxation.

From the 17th July, we invite you to join with us
in this 4-week Emerald Heart Light Transmission with the focus on:

Drink in to your heart the Light of Relaxation

in this 4-week Emerald Heart Light Transmission with the focus on:

Entering Relaxation

Benefits of the 4 Week Focused Formula

  • Letting go at the mental level
  • Letting go of Tension and Stress throughout the aura
  • Connecting deeper with the Self
  • Living more in-tune with your Healthy Boundaries
  • Greater ability to stay in the now
  • More resilience to adapt to change and challenge

How does it work?

This 4-week Formula of Emerald Heart Light flows through all levels of your heart and energy system. The Light flows directly to where it is needed based on your own Higher-self directing the Light that we provide for you.

The Emerald Heart Light flows to you directly from The Source via the Universal Laws that were given to us with the Light.

You don’t need to do anything

The Emerald Heart Light is an aspect of The Source and is pure consciousness. Once you have registered, the Emerald Heart Light will flow into your heart from the 17th July to the 14th August for 28 days.

OUR GIFT TO YOU (Value £20)

We would like to offer you, at no charge, a ‘transmission’ of The Emerald Heart Light Essence. To receive this essence vibration through our Essence App, you will receive instructions once you have registered.

David Ashworth - Emerald Heart Light Founder

Register with David Ashworth

Harriët Kroon

Register with Harriët Kroon

Tim Dyson

Register with
Tim Dyson

Alexandra Meyn - Head of the Divine Plan Healing Academy

Register with
Alexandra Meyn

Free essence offer closes 17th July 2023