‘How I activated the Law of Attraction using a Spiritual Light’

A new book from David Ashworth

I would like to introduce my new book.

The book is the subject of an amazing experience that I went through in October 2021. But the story begins almost ten years earlier.

Around the time of my 60th birthday, I sat down at my desk one morning and asked myself these questions:

‘How long have I got left in this life?’
‘Maybe I’ve got ten good years, who knows?’

‘What is the thing I love most that I can engage in that will
bring me joy for the next ten years?’

So, I set out a ten-year plan. Just a few weeks before my 70th birthday is when I had that amazing experience. Here’s how it went.

I was just coming out of a room and closing the door behind me. That room contained my heart’s desires that had come to me over the preceding ten years. As I was closing the door, it was as if two hands took hold of my shoulders and slowly turned me around to look back into the room. Suddenly, it was like the objects in the room were full of light. The image of them hit me in the heart with such incredible joy and surprise that my feet almost came off the ground. At the same time, I heard myself say out loud, ‘How did that happen! Where did they come from?’ It was a moment of illumination that felt like I was somehow seeing these things for the very first time, like they had just appeared.

The Law of Attraction

As I approached my 70th birthday the Universe was showing me that my ten-year plan was coming to completion. It was all to do with the love and harmony that I had for those particular things. If I had had to buy them, I couldn’t have done it. The contents of that room were worth a serious amount of money, much more than I could ever have found. It was astonishing. The Universe was showing me how I had attracted what I really loved. This truly was the Law of Attraction in action.

Finding the Light that Raises your Vibration

The book takes you on the journey of how I Activated the Law of Attraction without even knowing I was doing it. I’ve never even studied the Law of Attraction! I worked with The Emerald Heart Light and you can do the same and see what it does for you. The book shares with you how and where YOU can access the same Light that brought me this wealth.

There is a great lesson about wealth in the book too. Wealth has nothing to do with money but everything to do with love and joy. When you engage in the love and joy then you attract the wealth.

The Book is an offering from the Universe to you

Over the days following my revelation, the Light continued to raise my vibration and guided me to write this book for you. It wanted to share with you how The Emerald Heart Light can offer you just as much as it had brought to me. The Light will help with your cleansing, purification, spiritual growth and vision to see in which direction to take your life. It brings you slowly and gently into the Light of The Laws that govern the whole Universe. You become one with The Light and The Light becomes one with you.

The book is filled with Spiritual Light to help you feel the power in your own heart to manifest the things you truly love. I am sure that you will find the story interesting, plus I also share with you what those items were in that room.

With my Deepest Love and Blessings,


Available from Amazon

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