What is Self-Love and why is it so crucial?

You Deserve Love.

You Are Love.

Did you know that you can bring these two truths together?


By Loving Yourself.

For many people, Self-Love is not easy to tap into.

They don’t feel good enough, and unwholesome patterning such as self-doubt, self-abandonment and self-sabotage stands in the way to tap into their Innate Love.

What exactly is Self-Love?

First of all, Self-Love is completely different from egoism or egocentrism. They are related concepts but have distinct meanings.

Egoism/ Selfishness
Egoism prioritises self-interest and self-centeredness above all else. Egoistic behaviour can manifest as selfishness, narcissism and a lack of empathy or consideration for others. It is often associated with a sense of entitlement and a desire for personal gain or success at the expense of others.

Egocentrism/ Self-centeredness
Egocentrism is a cognitive bias in which someone perceives the world primarily from their own perspective. An egocentric person fails to understand or consider the perspectives of others. This can manifest as a disregard for the needs, feelings or viewpoints of others, leading to interpersonal conflicts and misunderstandings.

Self-Love involves nurturing a positive relationship with yourself. It involves treating yourself with kindness, respect, and understanding, and it often leads to greater emotional well-being and resilience.

Self-Love emphasises:

  • Your own well-being and happiness
  • Accepting yourself
  • Recognising your worth

Why Self-Love is so important
Self-Love is crucial for making the best of your life. Self-Love contributes to healthy relationships and personal growth, while egoism and egocentrism oftentimes lead to interpersonal challenges.

Becoming One with the Love That You Are

Being able to love yourself is crucial for the next and most fulfilling step on the spiritual path: becoming one with The Love That You Are.

Do you actually know what your unique signature of Divine Love is?

Every individual – yes, you too – carries Unique Divine Love that searches to express itself. Our innate and omnipresent love fills all of our cells but is often snowed under by past-life experiences, present-life issues, fears, beliefs and unwholesome patterning.

Being able to live your unique signature of Divine Love is the one and only way to live your life in the most liberating, empowering and fulfilling way.

It’s all in the Journey!
Our upcoming 6-month Self-Love Journey (starting the 1st of April), addresses all levels of Self-Love, including the powerfully liberating pathway to Become One with The Unique Love That You Are.

Whether you live a life where e.g. self-doubt and self-abandonment play a big role, or you live a life where you can embrace and accept yourself quite well, our ‘Self-Love Journey within The Nourishing Embrace of The Divine Mother’ will draw you much deeper into your precious essence than you have ever experienced before.

I would not be surprised if you will be blown away by the amount of love that you carry and were not aware of.

Are you ready to give yourself permission to embrace your unique expression of love for the full 100% and radiate into the world?

You deserve love.

You are Love.

How much Love do you dare to live?

Here comes your opportunity

Our Early Bird Offer for ‘The Self-Love Journey in The Nourishing Embrace of The Divine Mother’, is only valid until Sunday the 3rd of March. Don’t miss out on this 628 euro discount!

‘The Self-Love Journey’ is different to any other Self-Love Journey on the spiritual path. The Light of The Divine Mother will help you find the pure potential within yourself that you have not yet been able to see, find or tap into.

  • It is an easy to follow online email program
  • It runs from the 1st of April to the 1st of October

You will receive these twelve gifts around the theme of Self-Love:

  1. The Golden Seed of Self-Love Attunement
  2. The Womb / Prostate Blessing
  3. Practices for five types of Self-Love
  4. Six Light Transmissions of 1-month each.
  5. Six 24-Hour Mary Magdalene Light Transmissions
  6. Seven Essence Vibrations
  7. Seven Online Meditation & Sharing Sessions
  8. Seven monthly channelled Spiritual Teachings
  9. Seven Readings to accompany your Essence Vibrations
  10. A practical, smart looking essence bottle case
  11. Three reserve dropper bottles
  12. The postage and packaging

Don’t miss out on your Early Bird Discount!

With my heartfelt love,